Jumat, 20 April 2018

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Image source: http://cdn-maf3.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/homepage_top_1440x500/public/media/shred-draft-hero.jpg?itok=xtjF79rK

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Open just about any magazine even slightly related to health and fitness and you'll find some variant or another of 'six weeks to a six-pack' or 'awesome abs' or 'core training secrets of the stars' or the like.

It's amazing!

It's as if the whole world is fixated with the abdominal region and will happily sit through pages and pages of 'samey' information just to get to the one or two 'secrets' that'll miraculously turn us from fat and flabby to fit and fabby over night.

Well, as much as you'll hate hearing it, the truth is that most 'celebrity sixpacks' have very little to do with the special core routine of their favourite personal trainer with their multitudes of crunch variations or 'secret' exercises.

Likewise any well conditioned track athlete, martial artist or gymnast.

You'll rarely, if ever catch one of these well proportioned and highly defined athletes even entertaining the idea of crunches, let alone doing one, yet they all get to sport year-round leanness and definition that most people would kill for.

Why is that?

Why when some of us are spending HOURS every week hitting our waists from every angle are we still looking soft around the middle when these abdominal training atheists are able to achieve such great results?

I can tell you up front, you're not going to like the answer I have for you!

First though, some basic anatomy.

That muscle you think of as 'the six pack', the one that runs from your groin all the way up to your ribs is called the Rectus abdominis and is just one of several very important muscle groups that create your waist or 'core' as is now popular.

Every single movement you make, from standing to sitting, walking to running, bending twisting, pushing and pulling all originate here and so, far from requiring even more training, your core muscles are already there and already looking like that sixpack you've got your heart so set on.

Right there, buried under all of that fat you've worked hard all winter (maybe longer) to lay down is a sixpack that any bodybuilder or gymnast would die for. The only reason you can't see yours is because it's buried!

(I told you it'd be basic)

The only thing stopping you from 'un-burying' your six-pack is the lack of discipline required to control what goes into your mouth on a daily basis along with the dispelling of a few myths that are conspiring to keep you soft around the middle.

Myth Number 1 - You CAN'T Spot reduce

It's a weird one this, as most of us seem to know this already, on a surface level at least, yet still it's common to find six-pack seekers grinding out rep after tedious rep of myriad variations of curls and crunches.

Listen up. The body just doesn't work that way!

If it did, the people who did the most crunches would have the most visible abs and this is clearly not the case. In fact, it's probably the other way around!

Once and for all let's get this straight. When the body burns fat it takes it molecule by molecule, gram by gram from the whole body, not just from the area you're exercising. What's more, by performing such small, isolated exercises you're not burning many calories or much body fat anyway!

The answer is to get off of your back and carry out more of your exercises from a standing position and using many more of your muscles each time you train. That way, without even directly targeting the abdominals you'll be burning many, many more calories AND conditioning your core at the same time.

You're far more likely to see your sixpack this way.

Myth Number Two - Cardio is king if you want to get lean

Not so. Especially if you do it the way most people do.

Just look around the gym next time you're there. How many of the cardio junkies that are glued to the treadmills, rowers and crosstrainers are sporting the look you're after?

Not many I'll bet!

And the reason is, they're doing so much cardio that the hormones that keep them going for those extended periods are actually commanding their bodies to give up muscle more rapidly than fat. The net effect is that they end up slowing their metabolism way down and creating bodies that are potentially fatter than before.

Not what most exercisers are after but nevertheless, what YOU'LL get if you insist upon training the way that most gym goers do.

No, to get lean you need to work harder for shorter duration. Short circuits, intervals, relays that get you breathing hard then rest. 5 mins at a time are all you'll need if you train this way.

Better yet, skip those boring machines anyway and use strength exercises with bodyweight or free-weights in to send your metabolism into warp drive.

I call this type of training my 'six hundred rule'.

In short, you've six-hundred or so muscles in your body. Incorporate exercises and movements that challenge as many as possible at once. Exercises like pushups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, jumps forward bends, deadlifts. Y'know, those honest to goodness 'old fashioned' exercises that people used to use before gyms got hi-tech.

Myth Number 3 - you've got to cut calories to get lean

Well, I've got to admit, this is partly true, especially if you overeat often, but much more important than cutting calories is to cut the rubbish foods out of your diet altogether.

You see, your body fat is used as a 'toxic dump', a waste-ground when your system is overburdened by foods it can't handle. When too many toxic foods find their way into your body, regardless of the calories you eat, your body will dump these toxins into wherever you hold your fat. Your waist among other places.

So if you truly want to get lean, you've gotta get clean!

That means removing many of the foods that your body considers toxic like:

Alcohol, Caffeine, Processed foods,Sugar (or substitute), anything with a number or unpronounceable word in it and most wheat products.

These foods are KNOWN to create either allergies or intolerances in increasingly larger numbers of people and should be avoided for good health as well as for the aesthetic goal of seeing your abs.

Replace these foods with wholesome, nourishing foods that offer support to your body and you'll almost immediately see fat beginning to strip off. Foods like:

Fresh meat, fish and poultry (especially organic), Fresh fruit and veg (organic where possible), Nuts and seeds, Olives and Fresh, filtered water.

These are basic fundamentals of any healthy diet yet few people come anywhere near these basics within their own eating and lifestyle plans opting instead for quick-fix, processed, toxic foods.

You can cut calories all you want but if you're still eating foods from the top list and not enough from the bottom then you'll ALWAYS end up back where you started.

See, I told you that you wouldn't like what I had to say!

But will you listen?

No, more. Will you actually follow this advice and make some of these changes to your diet and lifestyle for the next 30 days?

If you do, I GUARANTEE you that you'll lose more fat, gain more firm, lean, shapely muscles where you want them and look and feel better than you have in ages. What's more, you'll have put into place a habit that will serve you long after those 30 days are over.

And when you walk onto the beach this summer you'll look down to where your new-found waistline is on proud display for all to see and know that you finally did it. You achieved what only a tiny percentage of people ever do.

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/af/48/14af489bfff06eaeb329875d30ffe8db.jpg

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Getting rid of cellulite forever is actually easier than you think. The fact is that cellulite is nothing more than normal fat that overlies connective tissue that has a different structure than other parts of the body that don't have cellulite.

Then, when these fat stores fill with fat, the connective tissue pulls on the fat tissue creating the dimpling effect. It is sort of like overstuffing a sofa. As a result, the best way to get rid of cellulite is to simply lose fat! Cellulite creams, pills and massagers are all a complete waste of money so don't get sucked in by these scams!

If a genie suddenly appeared before you and granted you a wish and that wish allowed you to change something about your body, what would it be? Some women may wish for a few less kilos and others a nice, toned body, but getting rid of cellulite forever is probably the most popular wish!

Well, in this article we're going to show you exactly how to do this. Unfortunately though, it's not going to happen instantly from a genie's wish or even in a few days, but rest assured if you follow the plan exactly as outlined you will be amazed at how quickly you can get rid of cellulite.

In fact, in a matter of weeks you will achieve a dramatic transformation in getting rid of cellulite. Your hips, thighs and butt will be more shapely and toned then ever before. Plus, your natural feminine curves will be further enhanced. All it requires is that you firstly make a decision that you want to get rid of the cellulite on your body. Then make a commitment to do whatever is required, and finally follow through by taking the necessary actions every day.

Let's face it, even if you know exactly what to do to get rid of cellulite, without making a decision and following through with action, the knowledge is useless. Even though we will cover the actions you need to take to achieve the look you desire, it is up to you to make the decision and then perform the required actions.

Getting rid of cellulite forever requires a number of different strategies. The first strategy we need to examine is the area of nutrition. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what type of nutritional habits are needed in order to lose body fat or cellulite.

'Can you just eat healthy?' is a common question. Not exactly. The old saying, 'You are what you eat' holds true when it comes to getting rid of cellulite.

In order to do that you need keep your metabolism elevated or even better, speed it up. The best way to do this is to supply your body with small amounts of high quality protein throughout the day (ideally every 2-3 hours).

The protein provides the building blocks your body needs to maintain (or slightly increase) your muscle mass. If you don't provide your body with frequent doses of protein then it is likely to go into a catabolic state (negative nitrogen balance), whereby your body breaks down more body tissue (protein) than it builds up. Not only does this impact on your ability to lose fat (and cellulite) but it also slows your metabolism, making fat loss more difficult.

Probably the easiest way to ensure you get protein in each of your 5 meals each day is to add some nuts or LSA (linseeds, sunflower seeds, almonds) mix to your cereal or have an egg on toast for breakfast.

For lunch and dinner have about 100 grams (about the size of a deck of cards) of fish, chicken or lean steak with vegetables or salad. For your mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals have a protein shake perhaps with a piece of fruit.

By making this one small change to your diet, a slightly higher protein intake and slightly lower carbohydrate and fat intake, your body composition will automatically change.

The next area you need to consider for getting rid of cellulite is exercise. One of the most overlooked ways to tone up and/ or lose fat is resistance (weight) training. Many people mistakenly believe that weight training will bulk them up. Whilst it is possible to 'bulk up' if you eat too much food, if you control your food intake it will not occur. Plus, it is actually quite difficult for women to increase their muscle mass, for a variety of reasons.

By performing weight training you will maintain or slightly increase your muscle mass, which will not only assist your toning efforts but it will also boost your metabolism dramatically (muscle is the most metabolically-active tissue in the body), which will speed up the fat-burning process in your body. This will help get rid of cellulite.

The other major benefit weight training provides is that it has been proven to prevent osteoporosis by forcing your body to make your bones thicker and stronger.

For best results, select 5 of the following exercises and perform 2-3 sets of high reps (25-30 reps per set) per workout: squat, lunge, step-up, hip extension, leg extension, leg curl, stiff-leg deadlift, leg press, standing calf raise and seated calf raise. Perform the workout twice a week with at least 2 days rest in between each workout. This workout should be done in addition to other exercises for other body parts as well. [NOTE: Always employ the services of a personal trainer to learn how to perform the exercises correctly.]

The other type of exercise that is beneficial for getting rid of cellulite is aerobic (cardiorespiratory) exercise. The main benefit of aerobic exercise is that it increases calorie (energy) expenditure, which means you can burn fat faster. It may have some very mild muscle-stimulating effects as well but no where near as much as weight training.

To get the best fat-burning effects from aerobic exercise, perform at least 20-40 minutes every day. If you can't perform it every day then at least 5 days a week. It is important to select the type of aerobic exercise you enjoy and that you can see yourself performing long term; it must suit you and your lifestyle. The following exercise types are great options: walking, jogging, boxing, swimming, rowing, cycling, aerobic classes, stepping machines and cross trainers.

To enhance the fat-burning benefits even further, take a thermogenic before the session. A thermogenic will give you an energy boost, which will help you work harder during the session. It will also force your body to release stored fat into the bloodstream, which then may be used by your working muscles as fuel.

Other supplements that may enhance the fat-burning effects further are creatine, glucose disposal agents (GDAs) and thyroid-support supplements.

If getting rid of cellulite forever, improving your health, losing weight and having a toned body are important to you, then seriously consider incorporating the above recommendations into your lifestyle. You'll be glad you did!

Kamis, 19 April 2018

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ibd-D8vFG4/maxresdefault.jpg

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

99.9 percent of all Google searches for "work from home" are scams. This does not bode well for people interested in working from home legitimately. You have to know which ones to pick. Paid online surveys working from home is an excellent choice. The key is to select the good companies who need your valuable feedback and WANT to pay you.
I started doing paid surveys online back in 2011 with a website called Springboard America. Trusted brands like Yahoo, World Vision, and Lenovo use a marketing research company called Maru/Matchbox to make their businesses better. Maru/Matchbox created Springboard America back in 2009 to deliver legitimate surveys paid in points. Later on members trade in those points for cash and/or gift cards.

Vindale Research is another website dedicated to delivering people cash for their opinions. You have an opportunity to make up to $50 per survey. Why are they legitimate? They have been in business since 2004, a member of the BBB with an A+ rating, TRUSTe certified, and Norton Secured. With these qualifications it places them in the top tier of legitimate paid surveys jobs.

Toluna is another awesome website to join. They are one of the more interactive sites. Toluna includes polls, comments, and discussions for members and staff to interact with each other on a daily basis. Not online will you be rewarded for your opinions but also for participating in a potpourri of discussions that rewards your account for participating in as well.

The final job I am going to mention is American Consumer Opinion. They have been in the market research business before the internet took off. Established in 1986 as a direct mailing survey company, have since evolved into an online solution for people to join and discover how they can share their opinions for money.

Anyone of these companies will launch your survey career. Once you join, many of them will link to other legitimate paid surveys jobs within their program.


In addition to being paid for surveys online you may be asked to evaluate a product or service at home. You will be sent a product and asked to write an honest review of the product. You will be able to keep the product received and in addition receive a cash payment.

Legitimate paid surveys jobs are everywhere. Companies need your input in order to make products or services better. In addition to receiving cash rewards your going to be assisting in building a better tomorrow for people.

The companies mentioned are free to join, legal, and sometimes pay you to join instead of the other way around. Many scams online will ask you to pay for some sort of course or access to an exclusive membership. Legitimate paid surveys jobs is an excellent choice to earn from home.


Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Image source: http://theysmell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/get-fit-may.jpg

Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Just turn on the television, read a fitness magazine, or search the internet, and you will see that there are numerous ways to get fit and lose weight. All of these programs and routines can help you lose those extra pounds, develop a lean sexy body, and maintain good health. Best of all, these total body workout programs are available on DVD and can be used from your own home. This in turn, can make our fast paced lifestyle a little easier. It's too difficult to take time for ourselves with so many activities during the day, and to actually stop by the gym. But most of us can find time to workout at home. The gym is the space between the television and the couch. Just switch on your TV and use some good workout DVDs. Gyms and health spas are taking a back seat nowadays. Why? Time is the biggest factor, already mentioned, but there is another factor. When you do get time to stop by the gym, you find yourself lost. What routine should you do? Who's going to show you the proper form? Or vary your routine to prevent boredom and fitness plateaus? Unless you want to spend extra cash on a personal trainer, a home workout program could be just what you need.

Numerous renown fitness experts have unique ways of keeping workouts interesting with upbeat attitudes and great music, and these experts are making these programs available on DVD. These home based workout routines are growing by leaps and bounds, and are rapidly becoming known as the Next Generation workouts. These total body workout routines will help you burn fat, build muscle, and get that lean sexy body you have always wanted. These routines will set your metabolism on fire, and will trigger your fat burning engines so that you burn an extra 500 calories per day. Most importantly, you will find your metabolism is still burning that stubborn fat even when you are not working out. These new circuit training routines will take your metabolism to all new levels, and you will continually burn fat, even while you sleep. The results will be extreme and best of all; you'll generally start seeing results within 30 days from the day you begin.

So how do these Next Generation workouts work?

It's quite simple. These programs are generally divided into three phases to help you build lean sexy muscle with the use of the newest revolutionary circuit training methods. Most home based fitness programs contain numerous workouts to keep the program from getting too boring and stale. The workouts vary as you move through the program and keep you from hitting fitness plateaus. As you move through each phase, you'll begin to notice big changes in yourself. Slowly but surely, you will see weight disappear. Lean muscle will replace the extra weight you used to have. And as each phase of the routine passes, your results will continue to improve. Most popular programs are on average 90 days.

Each program may differ, but a good routine will generally have a structure similar to what follows:

Phase 1: A Burn Phase

The first month is a Burn Phase. In this phase your muscles will be pushed to attain failure in 10-12 reps and will focus on accurate form, which will maintain the effectiveness of the workout. Then the routine changes, you prevent boredom and fitness plateaus as you move to the next phase.

Phase 2: A Push Phase

The second month is the Push Phase. In this phase your muscles will be pushed beyond its comfort zone. The primary focus will be on toning every part of the body one by one to strengthen and tone each part. Then guess what? Another change, and another fitness plateau is diverted, as your body continues to push forward to new heights.

Phase 3: A Lean Phase

The last phase is the Lean Phase. During this phase, concentration will be on every part of the body; the upper, the lower and the core. This phase will be focus on getting you as lean as possible. You have survived the first two months, you have lost weight, you feel great, and you are realizing your fullest potential. This gives you the extra energy to achieve your fitness goals, and have what you have always wanted, to be in great shape and look great.

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Image source: https://litreactor.com/sites/default/files/images/column/headers/poison_stock_photo.jpg

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Hello there, my name is Charlotte Craig, and I have worked as an advice columnist writer for nearly forty years. Yes - a long time! Why did I get into this work? I wanted to work from home, be my own boss, have some control over how many hours and what those hours were, be paid well for the work I do and do something helpful and interesting. How many jobs are there that you can do from home that fit all of those? Very few.

So here I am nearly forty years later well known and often mentioned in the press, being asked to go on radio and television, lots of famous clients and arrived at the top of the ladder in my career. This means I now take a back seat and am not interested in dealing with all of the pleas for help that come through my letter box and emails. Hence I need help. I need people who are great at working out solutions to problems, answers to questions, making decisions. Who are good with people, who are naturally kind and caring towards others, who are genuinely wanting to help others. People with a lot of common sense and savvy. They can be male or female, I really do not care.
It is very unlikely they have done this work before because - let us be honest - very few people do this type of work. I am quite happy for someone with no experience and no qualifications to come along and join our team if they have the qualities we seek.

By the way - where you live does not matter either. You can live on the top of a mountain surrounded by glaciers where you never see another human, so long as you have electricity and a computer because you work online.
My staff work 5 or more hours a week and they earn $100 or more an hour. Fit it around your existing lifesetyle or job. It does not have to change your life at all, it can just add to it.

One of my websites, the one I will direct you to, also advertises jobs from other websites, radio, television, magazines, newspapers etc, anywhere that seeks people to do similar work. So you should also spend a few minutes looking at what other vacancies are available right now and whether or not they might suit you. Our site is the only one that features such vacancies.

Being good with people is vital for this, being good with words is very important too.

There is no expense to you, this is not commission based, you get a guaranteed amount per hour for the job if you join our team. All you have to do now is read the details on the site and show us that you can do it if you want the job. Go to http://www.askagonyaunt.com for full details.
There is no cost to you, no obligation and you will kick yourself if you do not find out more.

Rabu, 18 April 2018

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

Image source: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/senior-german-shorthaired-pointer-dog-profile-picture-id508621911?s=170667a

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

Description: The German Shorthaired Pointer is a medium sized hunting dog with a slender, athletic build. The dog is 23 to 25 inches at the shoulder with the bitch 2 inches less. This dog ranges in weight from 45 to 70 pounds. The German Short haired Pointer has a short coat with a rough texture. The coat of this dog is liver (dark brown) and white, liver, or liver roan. The tail is generally docked. The German Short haired Pointer has a life span of 12 to 15 years. It is used as both a hunting dog and as a companion.

History: It is likely that the arrival of the Spanish Pointer in Germany during the 17th century led to the development of the German Shorthaired Pointer. The details regarding the exact breeds used is not available, but it is thought that the Foxhound, Hounds of St. Hubert, and even the English Pointer were used with the foundation stock. The search was for a dog that could hunt over most terrains, but would also serve as a reliable and good-natured companion. The AKC recognized the German Short haired Pointer in 1930.

Temperament: The German Shorthaired Pointer is renowned for its good disposition. It is intelligent and can be trained easily. This dog wants to be close to its human family and is very affectionate and loyal to them. The German Short haired Pointer is fine around children, but because of its active nature would probably be better suited for older children. It is protective of those it loves and is a very good companion dog.

Health Issues: The German Shorthaired Pointer is basically a healthy, sturdy dog, but can suffer from some hereditary problems. The most serious is Von Willebrand's Disease (a form of hemophilia) and bloat, which must be treated immediately by a veterinarian. Hip dysplasia can also occur as can entropion of the eye. Epilepsy can sometimes be present in this dog. The German Short haired Pointer can rarely suffer from heart problems.

Grooming: As the German Shorthaired Pointer has a short, smooth coat, grooming this breed is easy. An occasional brushing will suffice, but care should be taken to examine its feet for injuries when it has been outside. The pendant ears will increase susceptibility to ear infections, so they should be kept clean and dry. If the German Short haired Pointer has been hunting, it should be examined for ticks or other parasites, and dried off if it has become wet.

Living Conditions: While the German Shorthaired Pointer is a friendly and loving dog, it is probably happiest with an active family. This dog should not be kept in an apartment, it is simply too energetic to be content there. The owner should be aware that the German Short haired Pointer will be able to jump over a 6' fence, so even a large, fenced yard may not be secure. Involving the dog with family activities such as jogging, bicycling, or hunting is a good way to keep it happy and healthy.

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

Image source: http://static.dnaindia.com/sites/default/files/styles/half/public/2016/03/01/432462-karisma-kapoor-and-sunjay-kapur.jpg?itok=O8x-__15

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

BURKE COUNTY, GA -- Last summer, authorities discovered 11 siblings who had been isolated and maltreated by their parents, raised in a home with no water or electricity and not permitted to attend school. Now, after the imprisonment of the father and the removal of the children from the home, the mother has filed for divorce -- and is citing spousal abuse on her husband's part.

A temporary hearing for the Divorce Law action has been scheduled for March 31.

Christine Long, who has been accused of not providing proper child care, says in her divorce complaint that her husband, Jeremy Long, continually abused her and the children, some of whom allegedly resulted from marital rape. According to Christine Long, Jeremy Long refused to let her leave the family home, resorting to stomping on her feet with boots before he went to work and forbidding her to own a pair of shoes. He supposedly also refused to give his wife access to
prenatal care while she was pregnant.

County investigators took the children away in July. Jeremy Long Georgia Family Lawyer has since been charged with child cruelty and is currently in prison in Burke County.

"Conditions in the home were prison-like," Christine Long's divorce lawyer, Jack Long, told WJBF-TV in Augusta, Georgia. "There weren't enough beds. There was never enough food." He added: "The situation was so desperate, my client and her children really didn't have any options, other than to stay.

"We can easily define this as torture in a very basic sense," Jack Long told the station.

Since authorities rescued the Long children from their home ordeals, the First Wayne Baptist Church in Waynesboro have helped Christine Long recover. "The woman is in such shock," Al Wright, the church's pastor, explained about women in abusive situations in an interview with WJBF. "So she doesn't know what to do. Then again, when children come along, she really gets trapped." He added that every woman in such a situation should get herself and the children out of it as soon as possible: "She owes that to herself and her family. You don't have to stay in that situation of abuse.

"There is a better life for you," said Pastor Wright

Jeff Cotrill is the staff writer of Divorce Magazine and www.DivorceMagazine.com which offers information on Georgia Divorce  ,ga divorce, divorce in georgia, divorce in ga, georgia family law

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Image source: http://cdn-maf3.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/homepage_top_1440x500/public/media/shred-draft-hero....