Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d5/95/d2/d595d2effdd32495e5de16bebcdf1960.jpg
Ladies, let's get real here for a second. You've probably read dozens of magazine articles on making a guy fall in love with you and let's face it - most of them are complete nonsense. They are missing the essence of what makes men go nuts, like, for real and only touch the whole topic on the surface. The truth is simple and it hurts and Cosmo the like don't want to be straight to the point with you, since they believe this will kill their audience.
If you want real life tips on making a guy seriously addicted to you, not just falling in love, then you are at the right place. I'll give you five tips to get a guy under your spell just to start with and if you get offended easily or are part of the hardcore and aggressive right wing feminist movement, please leave this page now. On the other hand, if you are serious about becoming a guys biggest desire read on and find out how.
Love-step number One: Be more feminine.
Yes - the first step to making a guy fall in love with you is by being a Woman. This may sound stupid, but it's today's reality. Women are becoming more and more masculine - drinking beer out of a bottle, swearing like a sailor, acting all tough and getting fatter every day. There's a massive amount of women out there that I just wouldn't consider a Real woman anymore; in a world where the good old feminine qualities have faded away it's not easy to fall in love with a nagging, controlling, accusing woman. Men are attracted to the innocent, loving, caring, sexy feminine side of you - and no, most guys don't want a macho-controlling psycho chick that freaks out if she's asked to give him oral. Be more of a lady and you'll be much easier for a guy to love as you'll be more attractive.
Making him adore you step number two: Change your way of thinking.
It's incredible how much some women expect all because they have something that 90% of men can not resist. And you know that it's the thing between your legs. Not so long ago the ideal was: Give to get. Women were giving creatures. And I'm not saying they were "slaves" or whatever a lot of feminists (probably not so happy with their sex lives) think out there. Women were more caring and one of their main goals in a relationship and marriage was to please their husband and make him happy. Make him feel like a King at home so that he can give his best out there in the world of making a decent living for his family. Now that changed and what we have is an over 50% divorce rate and another 30-40% of miserable marriages. Instead of looking for faults - find compromise. When in a relationship - be on the pleasing side, make it your goal to make your man feel like a King and most sane men will appreciate that. A good woman is hard to find. Be the best for him and he'll be the best for you.
Men are simple to get, all you have to do to be halfway to capturing his heart is: Look good.
I told you I'll tell you the cold hard truth. Good looks win hearts whether you want it or not. That's reality. Men are more visual creatures than women, and if you look good, we'll be after you. Now, of course are not everything - but they help. A lot. I've been with gorgeous looking models that had a bad attitude, had no brain and an irritating personality. I didn't love them, but it was a necessary first step to give them the chance to love them in a man plus woman, not a friend loves friend kind of way. The truth is simple - working out and looking good and sexy can not effect a guy falling in love with you in a negative way what so ever. So, ladies - if you want to get that guy and KEEP him - get your butt of the couch, stop eating junk and watching soap operas all day and hit the gym. He'll be happy and proud to show your sexy legs to his jealous friends and that should be your goal. It won't guarantee you love - but it's a mandatory first step whether you like it or not.
And last but not least: It's all about sex.
Yes ladies. Sex it is, was and will be. The way to a mans heart is through his penis and that's a fact. If you can't get that part right, everything else is worth nothing. There's a popular song that simply puts it "I can't have sex with your personality." If you want a guy to fall in love with you - like, for real - you have to give him the best sex he's ever had. Most women out there are insecure about their sex skills and read Cosmo and other similar mostly non-sense magazines to get tips. I'll give you the simple truth - you have to be the kinky porn star he imagines. That's it. The best skill you can acquire is learning how to give a guy amazing oral sex - that's a secret weapon that men fall in love with. And it works better than any other dumb tip. Good sex is at the core of men falling in love with a woman and all women in successful relationships know that.
Author's Bio:
You want to learn more real life tips on how to keep your husband satisfied in bed? Read my guide on how to give amazing blow jobs called Jack's BJ Lessons. Thousands of women have confirmed that their men were never as interested in them after applying the tips in the guide and giving their husband the best blow jobs they could ever dream of. And men do dream about them - every single day of their life;) So - go read my book now by Clicking Here.