Contrary to belief, leadership skills are developed over time and not over night. It takes dedication and commitment to hone these skills that seem so ordinary.
Here are some tips:
Leaders don't sleep the day away! Get up early and get to work. There are so many things awaiting your attention.
Leaders dedicate themselves to LEARNING. Read books about your profession or industry, whether it's sales & marketing or network marketing. Learn all that you can. The more you learn, the more you can share and add value to yourself and your team. Your prospects will also appreciate that they are talking to an expert.
Your local library will have many of these books and audio tapes available for checkout if you have a low budget. There are many online sources as well. You can find numerous educational materials through various search engines. All you need to do is set aside the time to teach yourself success strategies.
Know that there will always be barriers. No matter what business you are in and what level you are at, understand that will always be hurdles or challenges. Don't worry when prospects tell you "NO." Just get through it. Chances are, you'll hear more negative than positive if you are in network marketing or direct sales. But if you accept this and recognize as an obstacle, you'll have at least decrease your frustration level.
Eliminate time wasters! Let's face it. Most of you engaged in home business have families and also work a traditional full or part time job as well. You don't have time to waste on watching television You have better things to do such as following up with prospects, work on advertising online or building relationships with prospects. If you absolutely have to watch television, record your favorite shows and watch them in less time.
But you know what? All the sacrifices you are making are just TEMPORARY. There will come a day when you will be able to sit down and watch television or read a magazine just for the fun of it. You have to pay your dues before you can reap the rewards. Hang in there!
Read everyday. You are going to be a better problem solver is you read on a daily basis. Read newspapers or books of value. By the way, you don't have to read a book a day. You can start by reading just 10 pages or 15 minutes a day. The following titles are good to have in your library: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews or How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
The library and bookstores are full of these types of books. Take some time to find out what style of writing you prefer. You'll get more out of the book if you like the author's message. Do something to stay positive. It's so easy, but don't let doubt creep through your thoughts. Have a "NO MATTER WHAT" attitude. We all have negative days --- even the top income earners in our companies. If they can get through it, so can you. Sometimes it helps listening to a positive audio. Calling your sponsor to discuss your concerns is always an option. Chances are they or someone they know have experienced the same feelings or frustrations. It helps to talk it out. Just don't bottle it and hope it will go away.
Becoming a leader does not happen in one day. It's a work in progress. Continually working on these things will help you develop the skills needed to become a better problem solver and leader.