Image source: https://manyincomestreams.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Is-Amway-a-Pyramid-Scam-650x220.jpg
The way Amway Global works is very simple. IBO's get paid for shopping and referring other shoppers. The company has been in existence for 50 years and has grown consistently over the past 10 years.
There wouldn't be so many partnership stores associated with a scam or Pyramid Scheme. Over 10,000 companies would be risking their reputation to be in partnership with Amway Global. Affiliate stores include Office Depot, Barnes and Nobles, Circuit City and Dell. The Vice President of Sales Barnes and Nobles says: "Quixtar is our #1 Business-Business Account". They have over 9,000 Affiliates and Amway Global/Quixtar does 3xs the volume of their second biggest affiliate.
The Better Business Bureau says that "Amway Global is a Legal and Viable business".
The former Chair of the US Chamber of Commerce is Steve Van Andle. He also happens to be one of the founders of Amway Global. The US Chamber of Commerce currently meets in the "Amway Room".
The compensation is Federal Trade Commission approved. I was skeptical when I first saw this company. I had to see this thing 4 times to completely get it. I wanted to see if this was a pyramid scheme so I went to the FTC website. I saw three things that helped me eliminate that doubt:
1. There is no recruiting fee- The person who invites you on gets nothing when you get started. It has to be a win win. They have to help you get a return on your investment before they can get paid.
2. There are no quotas- Amway Global I-Team shows you is how to do 100pts. You won't get kicked out if you do 50 or 500 pt or even 5 pts. You use what you want to use. Of course it comes back to being your best customer, because people are going to do what you do.
3. The Buy Back Policy- Your products are a part of it and the registration fee to get started has a buy back policy as well. So there is no risk.
They have spent $200million Dollars in Advertising and Sponsorship Campaigns. Here are some of the Print and Online Ads campaigns they have run:
- Time Magazine and Time[DOT]com
- People Magazine and People[DOT]com
- O, The Oprah Magazine and Oprah[DOT]com
- Real Simple Magazine
- Cooking Light Magazine
- Health Magazine
- MSN[DOT]com
- Yahoo[DOT]com
- Blue Lithium
- iVillage
Some of the Athletes they endorse:
Ronaldino - Soccer Player He is the number one highest paid endorsed athlete in the world. He is to the rest of the world what Tiger Woods is to the US>.
Asofa Powell - Ran on the winning relay team for Jamaica in Beijing. Former World record holder.
Liu Xiang - Gold Medal winner 110 meter Hurdles Athens Olympics
Sanya Richards - gold medalist in the 4x400m relay at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece and at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China.
Gabby Reese - Volley Ball Star and model. Florida State University Athletic Hall of Fame. Reece set two school volleyball records in solo blocks (240) and total blocks (747). Both records still stand.
They have also given back $120 Million Dollars worth of Bonuses to Independent Business owners. So with all of this documented info nobody can tell you that Amway Global is a Scam or illegal pyramid scheme.
Amway Global is a legit business and has been for over 50 years. Keep in mind that their have been bad apples that have joined the business and gave it a bad name but Amway Global kicked them out of the company. Also there are people who have failed building an Amway business, but they just did not keep at it long enough to reap the rewards of their hard work.
There are better ways to build a business like Amway Global you just need to be taught how. Click the link in the author resource box and you will learn the secrets to building a success Amway Business leveraging the internet.