Jumat, 20 April 2018

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Image source: http://cdn-maf3.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/homepage_top_1440x500/public/media/shred-draft-hero.jpg?itok=xtjF79rK

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Open just about any magazine even slightly related to health and fitness and you'll find some variant or another of 'six weeks to a six-pack' or 'awesome abs' or 'core training secrets of the stars' or the like.

It's amazing!

It's as if the whole world is fixated with the abdominal region and will happily sit through pages and pages of 'samey' information just to get to the one or two 'secrets' that'll miraculously turn us from fat and flabby to fit and fabby over night.

Well, as much as you'll hate hearing it, the truth is that most 'celebrity sixpacks' have very little to do with the special core routine of their favourite personal trainer with their multitudes of crunch variations or 'secret' exercises.

Likewise any well conditioned track athlete, martial artist or gymnast.

You'll rarely, if ever catch one of these well proportioned and highly defined athletes even entertaining the idea of crunches, let alone doing one, yet they all get to sport year-round leanness and definition that most people would kill for.

Why is that?

Why when some of us are spending HOURS every week hitting our waists from every angle are we still looking soft around the middle when these abdominal training atheists are able to achieve such great results?

I can tell you up front, you're not going to like the answer I have for you!

First though, some basic anatomy.

That muscle you think of as 'the six pack', the one that runs from your groin all the way up to your ribs is called the Rectus abdominis and is just one of several very important muscle groups that create your waist or 'core' as is now popular.

Every single movement you make, from standing to sitting, walking to running, bending twisting, pushing and pulling all originate here and so, far from requiring even more training, your core muscles are already there and already looking like that sixpack you've got your heart so set on.

Right there, buried under all of that fat you've worked hard all winter (maybe longer) to lay down is a sixpack that any bodybuilder or gymnast would die for. The only reason you can't see yours is because it's buried!

(I told you it'd be basic)

The only thing stopping you from 'un-burying' your six-pack is the lack of discipline required to control what goes into your mouth on a daily basis along with the dispelling of a few myths that are conspiring to keep you soft around the middle.

Myth Number 1 - You CAN'T Spot reduce

It's a weird one this, as most of us seem to know this already, on a surface level at least, yet still it's common to find six-pack seekers grinding out rep after tedious rep of myriad variations of curls and crunches.

Listen up. The body just doesn't work that way!

If it did, the people who did the most crunches would have the most visible abs and this is clearly not the case. In fact, it's probably the other way around!

Once and for all let's get this straight. When the body burns fat it takes it molecule by molecule, gram by gram from the whole body, not just from the area you're exercising. What's more, by performing such small, isolated exercises you're not burning many calories or much body fat anyway!

The answer is to get off of your back and carry out more of your exercises from a standing position and using many more of your muscles each time you train. That way, without even directly targeting the abdominals you'll be burning many, many more calories AND conditioning your core at the same time.

You're far more likely to see your sixpack this way.

Myth Number Two - Cardio is king if you want to get lean

Not so. Especially if you do it the way most people do.

Just look around the gym next time you're there. How many of the cardio junkies that are glued to the treadmills, rowers and crosstrainers are sporting the look you're after?

Not many I'll bet!

And the reason is, they're doing so much cardio that the hormones that keep them going for those extended periods are actually commanding their bodies to give up muscle more rapidly than fat. The net effect is that they end up slowing their metabolism way down and creating bodies that are potentially fatter than before.

Not what most exercisers are after but nevertheless, what YOU'LL get if you insist upon training the way that most gym goers do.

No, to get lean you need to work harder for shorter duration. Short circuits, intervals, relays that get you breathing hard then rest. 5 mins at a time are all you'll need if you train this way.

Better yet, skip those boring machines anyway and use strength exercises with bodyweight or free-weights in to send your metabolism into warp drive.

I call this type of training my 'six hundred rule'.

In short, you've six-hundred or so muscles in your body. Incorporate exercises and movements that challenge as many as possible at once. Exercises like pushups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, jumps forward bends, deadlifts. Y'know, those honest to goodness 'old fashioned' exercises that people used to use before gyms got hi-tech.

Myth Number 3 - you've got to cut calories to get lean

Well, I've got to admit, this is partly true, especially if you overeat often, but much more important than cutting calories is to cut the rubbish foods out of your diet altogether.

You see, your body fat is used as a 'toxic dump', a waste-ground when your system is overburdened by foods it can't handle. When too many toxic foods find their way into your body, regardless of the calories you eat, your body will dump these toxins into wherever you hold your fat. Your waist among other places.

So if you truly want to get lean, you've gotta get clean!

That means removing many of the foods that your body considers toxic like:

Alcohol, Caffeine, Processed foods,Sugar (or substitute), anything with a number or unpronounceable word in it and most wheat products.

These foods are KNOWN to create either allergies or intolerances in increasingly larger numbers of people and should be avoided for good health as well as for the aesthetic goal of seeing your abs.

Replace these foods with wholesome, nourishing foods that offer support to your body and you'll almost immediately see fat beginning to strip off. Foods like:

Fresh meat, fish and poultry (especially organic), Fresh fruit and veg (organic where possible), Nuts and seeds, Olives and Fresh, filtered water.

These are basic fundamentals of any healthy diet yet few people come anywhere near these basics within their own eating and lifestyle plans opting instead for quick-fix, processed, toxic foods.

You can cut calories all you want but if you're still eating foods from the top list and not enough from the bottom then you'll ALWAYS end up back where you started.

See, I told you that you wouldn't like what I had to say!

But will you listen?

No, more. Will you actually follow this advice and make some of these changes to your diet and lifestyle for the next 30 days?

If you do, I GUARANTEE you that you'll lose more fat, gain more firm, lean, shapely muscles where you want them and look and feel better than you have in ages. What's more, you'll have put into place a habit that will serve you long after those 30 days are over.

And when you walk onto the beach this summer you'll look down to where your new-found waistline is on proud display for all to see and know that you finally did it. You achieved what only a tiny percentage of people ever do.

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/af/48/14af489bfff06eaeb329875d30ffe8db.jpg

Get Rid of Cellulite Forever!

Getting rid of cellulite forever is actually easier than you think. The fact is that cellulite is nothing more than normal fat that overlies connective tissue that has a different structure than other parts of the body that don't have cellulite.

Then, when these fat stores fill with fat, the connective tissue pulls on the fat tissue creating the dimpling effect. It is sort of like overstuffing a sofa. As a result, the best way to get rid of cellulite is to simply lose fat! Cellulite creams, pills and massagers are all a complete waste of money so don't get sucked in by these scams!

If a genie suddenly appeared before you and granted you a wish and that wish allowed you to change something about your body, what would it be? Some women may wish for a few less kilos and others a nice, toned body, but getting rid of cellulite forever is probably the most popular wish!

Well, in this article we're going to show you exactly how to do this. Unfortunately though, it's not going to happen instantly from a genie's wish or even in a few days, but rest assured if you follow the plan exactly as outlined you will be amazed at how quickly you can get rid of cellulite.

In fact, in a matter of weeks you will achieve a dramatic transformation in getting rid of cellulite. Your hips, thighs and butt will be more shapely and toned then ever before. Plus, your natural feminine curves will be further enhanced. All it requires is that you firstly make a decision that you want to get rid of the cellulite on your body. Then make a commitment to do whatever is required, and finally follow through by taking the necessary actions every day.

Let's face it, even if you know exactly what to do to get rid of cellulite, without making a decision and following through with action, the knowledge is useless. Even though we will cover the actions you need to take to achieve the look you desire, it is up to you to make the decision and then perform the required actions.

Getting rid of cellulite forever requires a number of different strategies. The first strategy we need to examine is the area of nutrition. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what type of nutritional habits are needed in order to lose body fat or cellulite.

'Can you just eat healthy?' is a common question. Not exactly. The old saying, 'You are what you eat' holds true when it comes to getting rid of cellulite.

In order to do that you need keep your metabolism elevated or even better, speed it up. The best way to do this is to supply your body with small amounts of high quality protein throughout the day (ideally every 2-3 hours).

The protein provides the building blocks your body needs to maintain (or slightly increase) your muscle mass. If you don't provide your body with frequent doses of protein then it is likely to go into a catabolic state (negative nitrogen balance), whereby your body breaks down more body tissue (protein) than it builds up. Not only does this impact on your ability to lose fat (and cellulite) but it also slows your metabolism, making fat loss more difficult.

Probably the easiest way to ensure you get protein in each of your 5 meals each day is to add some nuts or LSA (linseeds, sunflower seeds, almonds) mix to your cereal or have an egg on toast for breakfast.

For lunch and dinner have about 100 grams (about the size of a deck of cards) of fish, chicken or lean steak with vegetables or salad. For your mid-morning and mid-afternoon meals have a protein shake perhaps with a piece of fruit.

By making this one small change to your diet, a slightly higher protein intake and slightly lower carbohydrate and fat intake, your body composition will automatically change.

The next area you need to consider for getting rid of cellulite is exercise. One of the most overlooked ways to tone up and/ or lose fat is resistance (weight) training. Many people mistakenly believe that weight training will bulk them up. Whilst it is possible to 'bulk up' if you eat too much food, if you control your food intake it will not occur. Plus, it is actually quite difficult for women to increase their muscle mass, for a variety of reasons.

By performing weight training you will maintain or slightly increase your muscle mass, which will not only assist your toning efforts but it will also boost your metabolism dramatically (muscle is the most metabolically-active tissue in the body), which will speed up the fat-burning process in your body. This will help get rid of cellulite.

The other major benefit weight training provides is that it has been proven to prevent osteoporosis by forcing your body to make your bones thicker and stronger.

For best results, select 5 of the following exercises and perform 2-3 sets of high reps (25-30 reps per set) per workout: squat, lunge, step-up, hip extension, leg extension, leg curl, stiff-leg deadlift, leg press, standing calf raise and seated calf raise. Perform the workout twice a week with at least 2 days rest in between each workout. This workout should be done in addition to other exercises for other body parts as well. [NOTE: Always employ the services of a personal trainer to learn how to perform the exercises correctly.]

The other type of exercise that is beneficial for getting rid of cellulite is aerobic (cardiorespiratory) exercise. The main benefit of aerobic exercise is that it increases calorie (energy) expenditure, which means you can burn fat faster. It may have some very mild muscle-stimulating effects as well but no where near as much as weight training.

To get the best fat-burning effects from aerobic exercise, perform at least 20-40 minutes every day. If you can't perform it every day then at least 5 days a week. It is important to select the type of aerobic exercise you enjoy and that you can see yourself performing long term; it must suit you and your lifestyle. The following exercise types are great options: walking, jogging, boxing, swimming, rowing, cycling, aerobic classes, stepping machines and cross trainers.

To enhance the fat-burning benefits even further, take a thermogenic before the session. A thermogenic will give you an energy boost, which will help you work harder during the session. It will also force your body to release stored fat into the bloodstream, which then may be used by your working muscles as fuel.

Other supplements that may enhance the fat-burning effects further are creatine, glucose disposal agents (GDAs) and thyroid-support supplements.

If getting rid of cellulite forever, improving your health, losing weight and having a toned body are important to you, then seriously consider incorporating the above recommendations into your lifestyle. You'll be glad you did!

Kamis, 19 April 2018

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ibd-D8vFG4/maxresdefault.jpg

Get Paid For Surveys Working From Home Online

99.9 percent of all Google searches for "work from home" are scams. This does not bode well for people interested in working from home legitimately. You have to know which ones to pick. Paid online surveys working from home is an excellent choice. The key is to select the good companies who need your valuable feedback and WANT to pay you.
I started doing paid surveys online back in 2011 with a website called Springboard America. Trusted brands like Yahoo, World Vision, and Lenovo use a marketing research company called Maru/Matchbox to make their businesses better. Maru/Matchbox created Springboard America back in 2009 to deliver legitimate surveys paid in points. Later on members trade in those points for cash and/or gift cards.

Vindale Research is another website dedicated to delivering people cash for their opinions. You have an opportunity to make up to $50 per survey. Why are they legitimate? They have been in business since 2004, a member of the BBB with an A+ rating, TRUSTe certified, and Norton Secured. With these qualifications it places them in the top tier of legitimate paid surveys jobs.

Toluna is another awesome website to join. They are one of the more interactive sites. Toluna includes polls, comments, and discussions for members and staff to interact with each other on a daily basis. Not online will you be rewarded for your opinions but also for participating in a potpourri of discussions that rewards your account for participating in as well.

The final job I am going to mention is American Consumer Opinion. They have been in the market research business before the internet took off. Established in 1986 as a direct mailing survey company, have since evolved into an online solution for people to join and discover how they can share their opinions for money.

Anyone of these companies will launch your survey career. Once you join, many of them will link to other legitimate paid surveys jobs within their program.


In addition to being paid for surveys online you may be asked to evaluate a product or service at home. You will be sent a product and asked to write an honest review of the product. You will be able to keep the product received and in addition receive a cash payment.

Legitimate paid surveys jobs are everywhere. Companies need your input in order to make products or services better. In addition to receiving cash rewards your going to be assisting in building a better tomorrow for people.

The companies mentioned are free to join, legal, and sometimes pay you to join instead of the other way around. Many scams online will ask you to pay for some sort of course or access to an exclusive membership. Legitimate paid surveys jobs is an excellent choice to earn from home.


Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Image source: http://theysmell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/get-fit-may.jpg

Get Fit with a Home Based Workout

Just turn on the television, read a fitness magazine, or search the internet, and you will see that there are numerous ways to get fit and lose weight. All of these programs and routines can help you lose those extra pounds, develop a lean sexy body, and maintain good health. Best of all, these total body workout programs are available on DVD and can be used from your own home. This in turn, can make our fast paced lifestyle a little easier. It's too difficult to take time for ourselves with so many activities during the day, and to actually stop by the gym. But most of us can find time to workout at home. The gym is the space between the television and the couch. Just switch on your TV and use some good workout DVDs. Gyms and health spas are taking a back seat nowadays. Why? Time is the biggest factor, already mentioned, but there is another factor. When you do get time to stop by the gym, you find yourself lost. What routine should you do? Who's going to show you the proper form? Or vary your routine to prevent boredom and fitness plateaus? Unless you want to spend extra cash on a personal trainer, a home workout program could be just what you need.

Numerous renown fitness experts have unique ways of keeping workouts interesting with upbeat attitudes and great music, and these experts are making these programs available on DVD. These home based workout routines are growing by leaps and bounds, and are rapidly becoming known as the Next Generation workouts. These total body workout routines will help you burn fat, build muscle, and get that lean sexy body you have always wanted. These routines will set your metabolism on fire, and will trigger your fat burning engines so that you burn an extra 500 calories per day. Most importantly, you will find your metabolism is still burning that stubborn fat even when you are not working out. These new circuit training routines will take your metabolism to all new levels, and you will continually burn fat, even while you sleep. The results will be extreme and best of all; you'll generally start seeing results within 30 days from the day you begin.

So how do these Next Generation workouts work?

It's quite simple. These programs are generally divided into three phases to help you build lean sexy muscle with the use of the newest revolutionary circuit training methods. Most home based fitness programs contain numerous workouts to keep the program from getting too boring and stale. The workouts vary as you move through the program and keep you from hitting fitness plateaus. As you move through each phase, you'll begin to notice big changes in yourself. Slowly but surely, you will see weight disappear. Lean muscle will replace the extra weight you used to have. And as each phase of the routine passes, your results will continue to improve. Most popular programs are on average 90 days.

Each program may differ, but a good routine will generally have a structure similar to what follows:

Phase 1: A Burn Phase

The first month is a Burn Phase. In this phase your muscles will be pushed to attain failure in 10-12 reps and will focus on accurate form, which will maintain the effectiveness of the workout. Then the routine changes, you prevent boredom and fitness plateaus as you move to the next phase.

Phase 2: A Push Phase

The second month is the Push Phase. In this phase your muscles will be pushed beyond its comfort zone. The primary focus will be on toning every part of the body one by one to strengthen and tone each part. Then guess what? Another change, and another fitness plateau is diverted, as your body continues to push forward to new heights.

Phase 3: A Lean Phase

The last phase is the Lean Phase. During this phase, concentration will be on every part of the body; the upper, the lower and the core. This phase will be focus on getting you as lean as possible. You have survived the first two months, you have lost weight, you feel great, and you are realizing your fullest potential. This gives you the extra energy to achieve your fitness goals, and have what you have always wanted, to be in great shape and look great.

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Image source: https://litreactor.com/sites/default/files/images/column/headers/poison_stock_photo.jpg

Get $100 an hour as an Advice Columnist Writer

Hello there, my name is Charlotte Craig, and I have worked as an advice columnist writer for nearly forty years. Yes - a long time! Why did I get into this work? I wanted to work from home, be my own boss, have some control over how many hours and what those hours were, be paid well for the work I do and do something helpful and interesting. How many jobs are there that you can do from home that fit all of those? Very few.

So here I am nearly forty years later well known and often mentioned in the press, being asked to go on radio and television, lots of famous clients and arrived at the top of the ladder in my career. This means I now take a back seat and am not interested in dealing with all of the pleas for help that come through my letter box and emails. Hence I need help. I need people who are great at working out solutions to problems, answers to questions, making decisions. Who are good with people, who are naturally kind and caring towards others, who are genuinely wanting to help others. People with a lot of common sense and savvy. They can be male or female, I really do not care.
It is very unlikely they have done this work before because - let us be honest - very few people do this type of work. I am quite happy for someone with no experience and no qualifications to come along and join our team if they have the qualities we seek.

By the way - where you live does not matter either. You can live on the top of a mountain surrounded by glaciers where you never see another human, so long as you have electricity and a computer because you work online.
My staff work 5 or more hours a week and they earn $100 or more an hour. Fit it around your existing lifesetyle or job. It does not have to change your life at all, it can just add to it.

One of my websites, the one I will direct you to, also advertises jobs from other websites, radio, television, magazines, newspapers etc, anywhere that seeks people to do similar work. So you should also spend a few minutes looking at what other vacancies are available right now and whether or not they might suit you. Our site is the only one that features such vacancies.

Being good with people is vital for this, being good with words is very important too.

There is no expense to you, this is not commission based, you get a guaranteed amount per hour for the job if you join our team. All you have to do now is read the details on the site and show us that you can do it if you want the job. Go to http://www.askagonyaunt.com for full details.
There is no cost to you, no obligation and you will kick yourself if you do not find out more.

Rabu, 18 April 2018

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

Image source: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/senior-german-shorthaired-pointer-dog-profile-picture-id508621911?s=170667a

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breed Profile

Description: The German Shorthaired Pointer is a medium sized hunting dog with a slender, athletic build. The dog is 23 to 25 inches at the shoulder with the bitch 2 inches less. This dog ranges in weight from 45 to 70 pounds. The German Short haired Pointer has a short coat with a rough texture. The coat of this dog is liver (dark brown) and white, liver, or liver roan. The tail is generally docked. The German Short haired Pointer has a life span of 12 to 15 years. It is used as both a hunting dog and as a companion.

History: It is likely that the arrival of the Spanish Pointer in Germany during the 17th century led to the development of the German Shorthaired Pointer. The details regarding the exact breeds used is not available, but it is thought that the Foxhound, Hounds of St. Hubert, and even the English Pointer were used with the foundation stock. The search was for a dog that could hunt over most terrains, but would also serve as a reliable and good-natured companion. The AKC recognized the German Short haired Pointer in 1930.

Temperament: The German Shorthaired Pointer is renowned for its good disposition. It is intelligent and can be trained easily. This dog wants to be close to its human family and is very affectionate and loyal to them. The German Short haired Pointer is fine around children, but because of its active nature would probably be better suited for older children. It is protective of those it loves and is a very good companion dog.

Health Issues: The German Shorthaired Pointer is basically a healthy, sturdy dog, but can suffer from some hereditary problems. The most serious is Von Willebrand's Disease (a form of hemophilia) and bloat, which must be treated immediately by a veterinarian. Hip dysplasia can also occur as can entropion of the eye. Epilepsy can sometimes be present in this dog. The German Short haired Pointer can rarely suffer from heart problems.

Grooming: As the German Shorthaired Pointer has a short, smooth coat, grooming this breed is easy. An occasional brushing will suffice, but care should be taken to examine its feet for injuries when it has been outside. The pendant ears will increase susceptibility to ear infections, so they should be kept clean and dry. If the German Short haired Pointer has been hunting, it should be examined for ticks or other parasites, and dried off if it has become wet.

Living Conditions: While the German Shorthaired Pointer is a friendly and loving dog, it is probably happiest with an active family. This dog should not be kept in an apartment, it is simply too energetic to be content there. The owner should be aware that the German Short haired Pointer will be able to jump over a 6' fence, so even a large, fenced yard may not be secure. Involving the dog with family activities such as jogging, bicycling, or hunting is a good way to keep it happy and healthy.

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

Image source: http://static.dnaindia.com/sites/default/files/styles/half/public/2016/03/01/432462-karisma-kapoor-and-sunjay-kapur.jpg?itok=O8x-__15

Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case

BURKE COUNTY, GA -- Last summer, authorities discovered 11 siblings who had been isolated and maltreated by their parents, raised in a home with no water or electricity and not permitted to attend school. Now, after the imprisonment of the father and the removal of the children from the home, the mother has filed for divorce -- and is citing spousal abuse on her husband's part.

A temporary hearing for the Divorce Law action has been scheduled for March 31.

Christine Long, who has been accused of not providing proper child care, says in her divorce complaint that her husband, Jeremy Long, continually abused her and the children, some of whom allegedly resulted from marital rape. According to Christine Long, Jeremy Long refused to let her leave the family home, resorting to stomping on her feet with boots before he went to work and forbidding her to own a pair of shoes. He supposedly also refused to give his wife access to
prenatal care while she was pregnant.

County investigators took the children away in July. Jeremy Long Georgia Family Lawyer has since been charged with child cruelty and is currently in prison in Burke County.

"Conditions in the home were prison-like," Christine Long's divorce lawyer, Jack Long, told WJBF-TV in Augusta, Georgia. "There weren't enough beds. There was never enough food." He added: "The situation was so desperate, my client and her children really didn't have any options, other than to stay.

"We can easily define this as torture in a very basic sense," Jack Long told the station.

Since authorities rescued the Long children from their home ordeals, the First Wayne Baptist Church in Waynesboro have helped Christine Long recover. "The woman is in such shock," Al Wright, the church's pastor, explained about women in abusive situations in an interview with WJBF. "So she doesn't know what to do. Then again, when children come along, she really gets trapped." He added that every woman in such a situation should get herself and the children out of it as soon as possible: "She owes that to herself and her family. You don't have to stay in that situation of abuse.

"There is a better life for you," said Pastor Wright

Jeff Cotrill is the staff writer of Divorce Magazine and www.DivorceMagazine.com which offers information on Georgia Divorce  ,ga divorce, divorce in georgia, divorce in ga, georgia family law

Forbes Touts Alabama's Nick Saban as the Most Powerful Coach in Sports

Forbes Touts Alabama's Nick Saban as the Most Powerful Coach in Sports

Image source: http://media.arkansasonline.com/img/photos/2013/10/14/1c-saban38pcolor_r600x400.jpg?689b03237e9432d372b8e4e059d8b6cfaff1b604

Forbes Touts Alabama's Nick Saban as the Most Powerful Coach in Sports

Copyright 2008 Ed Bagley

So who is the most powerful coach in sports today? Nick Saban of Alabama according to Forbes magazine (9-1-08 issue). Forbes wastes no time in anoiting Saban as the best of the best and ahead of the rest when it comes to being the most powerful sports coach in our time.

While God-fearing, rabid fans in Alabama recognize that Saban is not God, they certainly think he is a god in the sense that he is a superhuman being who has power over human fortunes, namely the Crimson Tide.

What is unique about Saban's stature, as Forbes points out, is that Saban's 8-year, $32 million contract gives him complete and absolute control over every aspect of Alabama's football programrecruiting, coaching, business administration and public relations. No other coach of any other sport enjoys such an advantage, if in fact it does turn out to be an advantage. Time will tell.

Until success becomes evident, Saban's contract also has some very special perks, like 25 hours for his private use of a university airplane, two cars and a country club membership, all extras that make his annual compensation package closer to $5 million per year. He can also leave the school at any time without financial penalty, a rarity in big-time college coaching contracts.

His contract remains among the highest after his first year on the job, and his contract is bigger than all but a handful of NFL coaches.

No coach, according to Forbes, can match Saban's combination of money, control and influence, and that includes all coaches in the professional leagues. Suffice to say that Saban, and his agent, James E. Sexton II, know a thing or two about how to negotiate an exceptional professional contract.

Alabama can afford Saban. The Crimson Tide football program generated $52 million in revenue last year (yes, college football is BIG business), and had an estimated $32 million in profit. Yikes, that is major profit. How would you like to run a business that generates $52 million in revenue and has a profit of 61%.

Taxpayers in Alabama can also relax as well since not a cent of Saban's contract is paid by student or taxpayer money, it all comes out of the university's football program budget, which also funds 77% of the athletic department, including nonrevenue producing sports.

It is Saban who has been tabbed to lift the fortunes of Alabama back to the glory years the Crimson Tide experienced under Paul "Bear" Bryant, who won 6 national championships and 13 SEC championships. When Bryant retired in 1982, Alabama's football success took a dramatic drop in national prestige.

So how much of an impact has Saban had after his first year? Well, the team went 7-6 and beat Colorado in the Independence Bowl. Saban's first spring practice game drew 92,000 fans (you read it right). The waiting list for season tickets tripled to 10,000 after Saban's arrival. His recruiting class this year was rated No. 1 nationally by a consensus of tracking services.

Saban is a control freak (Alabama football practices are all but closed, and he personally authorizes all interviews with his players and coaches), but he is also very successful at what he does. He resurrected football programs at Michigan State (from squat to a 9-2 season in 5 years with 4 bowl games) and Louisiana State (a 48-16 record in 5 years, 5 bowl games, 2 SEC titles and a national championship) before arriving at 'Bama.

University of Alabama's president, Robert Witt, is fine with everything going on in its athletic program. There have been 100,000 donors to the university's recent $500 million capital campaign, many of whom are ardent football supporters.

So how will Alabama do this year? Probably very well. With Saban, you either produce on the field or you will be nursing splinters on your backside riding the bench. Nick Saban expects to win, not occasionally, but every bloody time.

That is very hard to do in the SEC, but for $4 million a year you learn to outthink, outwork and out recruit your opponents. Saban has some talent coming, and nothing beats talent when talent shows up to play.

Selasa, 17 April 2018

For Men Only7 Ways to Impress a Worthy Woman

For Men Only7 Ways to Impress a Worthy Woman

Image source: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-09/12/11/enhanced/webdr09/longform-original-30102-1410535669-17.jpg

For Men Only7 Ways to Impress a Worthy Woman

For Men Only: 7 Ways to Impress a Worthy Woman



Gals may be uncertain about what they want from guys, but there are some behaviors to which they always respond!

Courtesy of Match.coms Happen Magazine ?

Some years ago, women made The Rules their Bible. It was a guidebook on how to manipulate men into marriage. Men felt duped, confused and used and the con game set male-female relationships back. Today men are still perplexed about how to relate to women, and women are similarly confused when it comes to dealing with men.

In her song Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? Paula Cole laments, Where is my John Wayne? Where is my happy ending? Where have all the cowboys gone? Most women fantasize about having an alpha dude for protection, shelter and guidance. But theres a drawback. In their attempt to provide the virility they think women want, tough guys have shelved their sensitivity and have lost part of what it means to be alive.

This nonspoken agreement is ironic: After she snags her tough guy, the woman who thought she wanted Rambo decides hes really Dumbo too distant and unwieldy to love. So she replaces Marlboro Man with Marshmallow Man, whom she believes it is her mission to mold. See, somewhere in her upbringing, she deduced that shes the Relationship Police, and no man is complete until she fixes him. Unfortunately, her new and improved model soon loses his appeal because this guy has become a backbone-challenged jellyfish without spine or spurs. Now the woman complains hes too soft! What a relationship mess!

Whos fooling whom? Hollywood cowboys on camera are as fictitious as Cinderella and that monarch with the shoe fetish. Although my book title warns women, Dont Bet on the Prince! my message hits too many hollow earrings. Women insist they need a gaucho to rescue them (from what, even they dont know!), and men unwittingly play into this fractured feminine assumption. Thats because men want to feel needed. (Of course, this proves that, despite what women think, men truly do want love and are often willing to twist themselves into pretzels to get it.) In the end, nobody ends up with what he/she thought he/she wanted, and both genders feel angry and alone. Yet sadly, they continue their feckless efforts to pursue new partners in the same vein. Nothing changes. As my Gilda-Gram advises, What you struggle to get, you struggle to keep. And subterfuge is an impossible base for lasting love.

But, ahhh, things may have begun to move onto healthier terrain. Tony Soprano started it by committing to therapy. Now some alpha men have been embracing their taskmaster toughness, while also acknowledging their compassion. For the first time, half the subscribers to my Instant Advice service on my site are now men. They are honest, real and raw, unabashedly displaying relationship pain, yet craving answers on how to make their love lives work.

So heres the skinny from a female relationship expert. Gals may be uncertain about what they want from you guys, but there are some behaviors to which they always respond. Try these on for size and see if your Relate-ability Quotient doesnt rise (no pun intended!).

7 Rules for Relating to Women
Rule 1: You may not understand women (and many women admit they dont understand themselves), but you can ask questions about a womans life and dole out honest compliments.

OUTCOME: Womens egos are massaged when they feel noticed and desired. This is separate from trying to seduce them.

Rule 2: Women want supportive love. If your woman doesnt know how to give it, show her by example.

OUTCOME: Your behavior, not your words, is a womans greatest teacher on how to return the love YOU want. Inconvenience yourself unconditionally, and deliver niceties that are totally unexpected.

Rule 3: Share your feelings and your fears with your special lady. As my Gilda-Gram says, Self-disclosure is symmetrical.

OUTCOME: Little by little, open up about your preferences and your goals. As you become more vulnerable, so will your honey. Openness and vulnerability bond a couple. (Note: this does not mean you should whine and complain in victim mode; just share your honest feelings.)

Rule 4: Pursue activities that inspire you, whether or not she enjoys them.

OUTCOME: Your expressions of delight and joy become contagious. Your woman will want to share your optimism. She may choose to join you in hobbies she originally rejected, or she may just bask in your enthusiasm when you return to her after enjoying yourself.

Rule 5: The less confused you are in understanding your woman, the less manipulated you will be by her.

OUTCOME: A mans confusion makes a woman read him as weak, malleable and ripe for fixing. Demonstrate respect for your womans perspective, but remain committed to your own. Shell show a new admiration and respect for you.

Rule 6: Dont let a woman try to change anything about you with which you are content unless youre into dangerous or unhealthy acts. Display your strength by projecting who you are and let her know youre happy as you are.

OUTCOME: When you trumpet your persona, your woman will avoid her urge to renovate. Shell also get turned on! (It follows the tenets of adolescent psychology, in which kids may lobby their parents for more freedom, but their parents saying no is interpreted as love. Go figure!)

Rule 7: Communicate your expectations for support, respect and friendship. These must be your standards and your boundaries.

OUTCOME: When you unwaveringly sustain your parameters, you announce your alpha strength. Ladies crave men who are persevering and resolute. They interpret these traits as sexy.

The 1991 movie City Slickers depicted some big-city guys with midlife crises. To seek answers, they spent two weeks renewing themselves as cowboys out West. Through physical feats they never took on in the concrete jungle, the men discovered that strength-building does not negate sensitivity. In fact, they learned their masculinity was emboldened by their tenderness.

Honor your alpha, but maintain your truth. Steadfast, chivalrous men are very attractive because a self-accepting guy knows he loses nothing by also being vulnerable. Plenty of women seek compassionate cowboys with spines AND spurs AND souls. Most of these men dwell far from home on the range!

Author's Bio: 

DR. GILDA CARLE (Ph.D.) http://www.DrGilda.com is an internationally known psychotherapist, relationship educator, and management consultant. She has a private practice, and is Match.coms Ask Dr. Gilda advice columnist published on MSN.com. Also, she is a motivational speaker, professor of psychology & communications, and the author of "Don't Bet on the Prince!" (a test question on "Jeopardy!"), (http://www.drgilda.com/products.php?p=books), 99 Prescriptions for Fidelity, How to Win When Your Mate Cheats and many more. She was the therapist in HBO's Emmy Award winner, "Telling Nicholas," featured on Oprah, where she guided a family to tell their 7-year-old that his mom died in the World Trade Center bombing. She is currently developing her own TV show. Visit her website and let her hear from you!

Following a Rotation Diet Could Help Ease IBS Symptoms

Following a Rotation Diet Could Help Ease IBS Symptoms

Image source: https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/IBS-SAM-App.jpg

Following a Rotation Diet Could Help Ease IBS Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a general term for a variety of inflammatory disorders of the intestinal tract.

Normally, the muscular contractions of your digestive tract are coordinated and regular. IBS can disrupt this coordination and cause painful symptoms. The difficulty with IBS, besides pain and discomfort, is that it can cause havoc with your nutritional health.

IBS can be pretty serious.Scientists are unsure what causes the disease and how exactly to treat it. Sometimes medications are prescribed, but these treatments can cause prescription side effects. Now here's some GOOD ealth news on the IBS front: a recent study has found that following a simple rotation diet could help to reduce painful symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center set out to investigate the role of food intolerance in IBS patients. They enrolled 20 people who had failed standard IBS medical therapies at a gastrointestinal clinic. The patients underwent food elimination diets based on the results of food- and mold-sensitivity tests. Probiotics were also introduced. Repeat testing was performed at six months. The research team followed up with the patientsone year after trial completion to assess any beneficial effects from the rotation diet.

They found that there were significant improvements in stool frequency and IBS symptom scores. Imbalances of beneficial flora were identified in 100% of the patients at he outset of the study. However, there was a significant improvement in beneficial flora after treating with therotation diet. The one-year follow-up showed minimal symptomatic problems from IBS and a significantly improved perception of control over IBS. The researchers concluded that identifying and appropriately addressing food sensitivities in IBS patients not previously responding to standard therapy results in a sustained clinical response and impacts positively on overall well-being and quality of life.

How do you follow a rotation diet? Don't know if you haveany food sensitivities? A rotation diet is simply a diet in which you eat a certain food (or food group) on a particular day and then do not eat that food again for four days.

Record the condition of your health once you eliminate this
food. Over the course of the four days, is it better, the same,or worse? After four days, add the food back into your diet.Record your symptoms again. Do you notice that any symptoms are worse? If so, you may have a sensitivity tothis food that is aggravating, or perhaps even causing, someof your health problems.It can take some time to identify trigger foods using therotation diet.

But be patient -- discovering a food that is causing you to feel awful in some way is worth the effort.You may find that your symptoms clear up remarkably quickly by taking the simple step of eliminating a particular food from your diet.

Fly Fishing Magazines - Sources of Great Fly Fishing Information

Fly Fishing Magazines - Sources of Great Fly Fishing Information

Image source: http://flytying123.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/P6210423-1024x679.jpg

Fly Fishing Magazines - Sources of Great Fly Fishing Information

One can attribute the popularity of fly fishing to its exposure in media. Television shows and programs have either featured fishing or have had programs that mainly focused on fishing. Nevertheless, fly fishing magazines have been a great contributor into the explosion of fishing.

These magazines have made believers into self described urbanites and city folk who long to experience the rugged and natural outdoors, albeit even just for a weekend. Images and descriptions detailed in a fishing magazine entice the imagination of its readers, who wait for time off to go and join this outdoor adventure. Tips and instructional guides have added more members in the fishing community.

Technology has also aided in the expansion of fishing to the mainstream as rods have become lighter and more durable. Proof of the popularity of the sport lies in the increase of advertising pages in fly fishing magazines. More and more resorts that are catered to affluent and high end markets are making their presence felt through print.

The Kodiak Legends Lodge in Alaska is an example of a resort that has benefited from fishing magazines. Pictures of the fishing grounds and the scenic view have added more inquiries from potential clients there.

Want to fish in a place where there are hardly any people, try the Buffalo Creek Ranch in Rand, Colorado where there are only 15 people residing in the town of Rand itself, and the ranch has a scenery and scope of 25 square miles. Want to be able to fish in one of the best known tail fisheries in the country and have your catch served with fusion cuisine influences of French or Asian taste, then go to the Snake River in Idaho and stay in the South Fork Lodge in Swan Valley.

Reputed to be one of the best dry fishing locations in the world, its facilities and amenities will definitely exceed your expectations added to the guide service provided by South Fork Outfitters and Henry Fork Anglers. The South Fork Lodge has all the bells and whistles of a luxurious holiday as well. Accommodations include lodge rooms, cabin rooms and the river house which has a full kitchen, large living room and an outdoor hot tub aside from a pool table and a large screen TV. Eat your breakfast at the main patio and enjoy the view of the Snake River.

These places were all featured in fly fishing magazines and many since have gone and visited their place. Fishing magazines are here to stay, now on print and online form as well.

Senin, 16 April 2018

Find your other half the importance of online dating

Find your other half the importance of online dating

Image source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/04/07/10/32DECBF700000578-3527825-This_ease_of_access_has_come_as_a_surprise_to_many_Tinder_users_-a-49_1460021641621.jpg

Find your other half the importance of online dating

From everlasting, the scariest thing for each one of us is to be alone with no one to share our thoughts, feelings, and dreams to. Yes, sometimes it is advisable to not be in a relationship because you need time to heal yourself and for most of the times, the only way to do that is to stay single for as long as you need to. But after some time, you begin to long for the presence of another person in your life and you start to ask yourself a lot of questions. Am I good enough? Am I worthy of love? Is there somebody that can love not only my qualities but my scars too? Now and then, we may feel the need to only have open, non-serious relationships but every once in a while, we crave a love as deep as the ocean. We all want to be enough, to be loved, to be cherished, and to be respected but we also want to give back what we receive. Moreover, there is nothing more important than love and thus, falling in love is the most beautiful and sincere thing that can happen to us. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to find your so-called soulmate, and one of them is online dating, which can help you whether or not you look for friendships, short-term or long-term relationships.
Instead of going on dates with random people whom you have just met in the subway station or on the street, why not create a free account on one or more adult hookup sites? By creating an account on adult hookup sites, you have a high chance of meeting a person with whom you probably have a lot of things in common. When the adult dating site matches you with someone, do not expect to experience a blind date because you will already know what that certain person looks like. Creating an account on adult dating sites means that you will need to post pictures of yourself and write a short intro about you. Also, you will need to enter some personal information, such as your date of birth, the city you live in, the color of your eyes, your hobbies, and so on. Moreover, the best adult dating sites instantly match you with other members which share your own interests and passions. You can also get instant notifications in case someone posts a comment on your profile and more importantly, if you find someone who you think is on the same wavelength as you, you can even start a private conversation. Research shows that the most appropriate day to use an adult dating site is on Sunday, so try to spend at least 30 minutes on the best adult dating sites because you never know whom you may come across. Finally, be bold and embrace the online dating because you never know what will happen next. Maybe you will finally find your missing piece.

If you want to know more about adult hookup sites and the best adult dating sites, then please check out these links!

Find Some Interesting Facts About Indoor Rock Climbing

Find Some Interesting Facts About Indoor Rock Climbing

Image source: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/t-vQZxVYT30/maxresdefault.jpg

Find Some Interesting Facts About Indoor Rock Climbing

Rock climbing walls come in a variety of forms and in fact, they are also very realistic since they allow budding climbers to get a feel of the kind of adventure that awaits them when they start to do actual rock climbing. To be sure, if you are checking out indoor rock climbing walls you will find that these are made from sheets of plywood which in turn are used to anchor the rock climbing walls into the actual walls. What's more, you can also select different difficulty levels for different segments of your rock climbing walls and thus get even more out of climbing such walls.

New And Emerging Sport

Today, indoor rock climbing is a new and emerging sport that is attracting huge interest from rock climbers. In essence, indoor rock climbing is performed on a simulated rock climbing wall that is normally located in indoor gyms and its main aim is to provide rock climbers a means with which to learn how to perform various aspects of rock climbing in a controlled as well as safe environment.

Of course, not every rock climber that has undergone indoor rock climbing training actually will graduate to climbing in the outdoors though it does nevertheless provide a good opportunity to them to learn as well as practice the various aspects of real outdoor rock climbing.

however, there are some people who do not find indoor rock climbing to be a very suitable means of learning how to climb rocks and in fact, they find fault with the indoor aspect of the training criticizing it by saying that there is really nothing better than practicing under the blue skies where climbers can get to feel and breathe the real thing.

On the other hand, those who advocate this form of rock climbing claim that it is the only way that rock climbers can perform their sport all through the year and so, despite adverse weather conditions one can still climb a rock and fulfill one's desire regardless of the circumstances.

Nevertheless, an indoor rock climbing wall will be designed as well as produced in a most unique manner with an ideal rock climbing wall providing climbers with various levels of difficulties so that both experts as well as newbie can get to improve their skills. Of course, you still must use safety equipment in order to prevent injuries in case of falls or other misfortunes.

An indoor rock climbing wall can serve two purposes which are that it provides an opportunity to do strenuous physical exercises and at the same time it helps climbers to hone their skills as well as become more confidence as also gets to learn how to coordinate movements in order to get the most out rock climbing.

The bottom line is that if you want to safely climb rock climbing walls, choose an indoor rock climbing facility which will offer you plenty of opportunities to improve your skills while at the same time not put you under any undue risk as would be the case if you were to go outdoors and try your luck.

Fenugreek and Breast Feeding More Milk Production

Fenugreek and Breast Feeding  More Milk Production

Image source: https://www.selloscope.com/img/images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51%2BZRvd1VXL.jpg/Fenugreek-Seed-Capsules-Support-Enrich-Breastmilk-Supply-Nursing-Breastfeeding-Pumping-Mothers-Natural-Herb-Increase-Breast-Milk-Production-Flow-Fast-Lactation-Supplement-1.jpg

Fenugreek and Breast Feeding  More Milk Production

Fenugreek seed is a medicinal and therapeutic herb whose use dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. The uses of the fenugreek seed were actually quite diverse, but primarily this natural seed was used for an array of "female problems", including the stimulation of milk production in mothers who were having difficulty producing enough breast milk to feed their infants.

Fenugreek is still used for this purpose to this day, and you might be surprised to find out how it actually works.

The fenugreek seed is usually taken as a standardized ground mixture that is then encapsulated, and can usually be purchased at a very reasonable price at your local health food store, GNC or other health supplement outlet.

It is actually considered a part of the legume family, like the soybean, and is fairly easy to grow in various areas of the world, hence it's reasonable price. The dosage per individual may vary, but generally a fairly high dosage is required to spur the milk production adequately.

Fenugreek is purported to work as a milk production enhancing supplement in new moms because it actually stimulates the sweat glands to produce sweat, and your mammary glands are basically just one big modified sweat gland.

It is said that your sweat should start to take on a sweet scent similar to that of maple syrup when the fenugreek is starting to work.

Generally women report a noticeable increase in their milk production within 36-72 hours of taking the fenugreek supplement, and they also notice an engorgement in their breasts.

It only works correctly though if both of the breasts are competely emptied out regularly when nursing your infant or pumping.

Many physicians and obstetricians will recommend fenugreek as a natural milk production stimulant, and most of them say the majority of their patients notice a marked improvement in their volume of milk production. However, it does not work on everyone who tries it.

My best friend actually tried fenugreek supplements in large doses, and she said that it did not help her, and she also mentioned that she never noticed the maple syrup smell in her sweat or urine, so perhaps the herb just did not work with her particular bodily chemistry.

As with any other herb or natural supplement, fenugreek may not work the same on every woman, and it may not work at all on some women. It's unfortunately an exercise in trial and error many times to figure out the right dosage as well as to figure out if it will even work for you.

Fenugreek actually has other therapeutic and medicinal uses as well. There are specific compounds in the fenugreek seed that are actually very beneficial when applied topically to the skin (but these need to be expelled and manipulated professionally).

It also is thought to be beneficial to those with high blood sugar, as it has hypoglycemic properties and can be useful in lowering blood sugar.

Another possible use for fenugreek may be to help lower one's cholesterol, and also to help thin the mucous since it has been used in the past to help people with asthma to breathe easier with continued therapy.

While there are other therapeutic and medicinal purposes for the fenugreek seed, it's number one and most well known use is to help women who are breast feeding, and there's a reason for that - it actually works.

Minggu, 15 April 2018

Feed Your Mind, Think Bigger

Feed Your Mind, Think Bigger

Image source: http://sayquotable.com/images/quotes-images/3-quote-about-dont-feed-your-mind-with-negative-thoughts-if-image-black-background.jpg

Feed Your Mind, Think Bigger

Imagination is like a muscle: if we exercise it, it will grow more powerful and agile. Being imaginative, however, is not just about being artistic or creative - it's having the ability to see alternative possibilities beyond what's immediately apparent

Actually, we all already have pretty lively imaginations. How often do we tell ourselves, or allow someone to convince us, that something is not possible? There's no lack of creativity, it seems, when it comes to making excuses why we can't do something.

No question, it's difficult to resist years of conditioning, peer pressure and the influence of our immediate environment. Studies show that people's bodies deteriorate as they get older not so much because of actual loss of capability but because they see their peers aging and complaining about their aches and pains. Some people, however, are able to imagine a dramatic alternative. Take Sister Madonna Buder, for example. A 78-year-old Catholic nun, she has competed in 37 marathons, 300 triathlons and 31 Ironman Triathlons, all after the age of 50. Apparently, she didn't get the "you're too old to do that" memo.

So, how do you develop your imagination? By feeding your mind as regularly as you do your body. Just as advances in biotech and agriculture have provided us with a greater range of nutrition options - both natural and artificial - thanks to the Internet, we also have unprecedented access to information and opinions, both negative and positive. Used judiciously, you can find a wealth of material to fuel your goals and expand your belief of what's possible.

Here, three ways to actively exercise the imagination muscle:

1. Activate your antenna. Always be on the lookout for role models and examples for what's possible. In a magazine ad for Keen shoes, I read about Jessie Stone, a medical doctor who went to Africa to participate in an extreme kayaking competition; shocked by the malaria outbreaks she saw there, she now lives in Uganda and splits her time between kayak training and teaching malaria prevention. That led me to the Hybrid Lives website (http://www.keenfootwear.com/hybrid_life_archive.aspx) spotlighting dozens of people pursuing their dreams with inspiring and unconventional lives.

2. Watch what you put in your mind. At the same time, be vigilant about your information intake. Just like eating junk food, the effects of regular gossip sessions with friends or constant negativity will insidiously seep into your consciousness and - how far I can take this analogy? - contribute to flabby energy. (Tell me that watching the catty back-biting on some of those reality TV shows doesn't feel pretty much the same as scarfing down a bag of Cheetos.)

3. Stray from the beaten path. Most of us have a prescribed routine for what we eat, wear, read and watch. Why not develop the habit of exposing yourself to new influences on a regular basis: buy a magazine you've never read before, check out a provocative lecture or reading at the local book store, branch out from your usual movie genre or even just take a different route to work. The only adventure sport I practice these days is jumping on the subway as the doors are closing but I pore over National Geographic Adventure magazine's annual Best Trips list and start dreaming about the vast possibilities for exotic travel.

Your ideal life starts with an active imagination: just as you nourish your body on a daily basis, feed your mind a steady diet of new ideas and inspiration, and learn to dream bigger.

FDA Funding, Status Decreases Affecting Pharmaceuticals Such as Chantix

FDA Funding, Status

Image source: https://cdn.expertvaping.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Huge-FDA-Funded-Vape-Study.png

FDA Funding, Status Decreases Affecting Pharmaceuticals Such as Chantix

Several articles have recently surfaced alleging the decline of one of Americas pharmaceutical watchdogs and standard producing organizations known as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

One such article published in a recent issue of Prevention magazine cited several controversial steps and, according to the article, extreme errors undertaken by the FDA leading to a decline in regulations and potentially increasing the risk of adverse health affects among Americans.

The article explains that a lack of funding combined with job cuts and an increasing number of pharmaceutical trials may be leading to the decline of the FDA as well as a lack of regulations and warnings with controversial drugs, including Chantix. Unfortunately, because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the main regulatory body overseeing and approving or not approving of medications, foods, etc., it becomes complicated as to fixing the problem, according to reports.

What is Chantix?

Chantix or Champix (varenicline tartrate) is a prescription strength smoking cessation drug that is used to aid patients in ending their nicotine and smoking additions. The drug was released from Pfizer in May 2006 and was quickly prescribed to millions of patients across the United States.

Meanwhile, Pfizer was slowly becoming shrouded in a cloud of controversy alongside the FDA as details of illegal payments for doctors to prescribe other Pfizer drugs began to surface, according to the Prevention magazine article.

In late 2007, hundreds of reports exploded regarding alleged Chantix side effects that were causing patients to become depressed, agitated, and develop suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Approximately 37 suicides have been attributed to the smoking cessation drug, which currently remains on the market, even after an investigation by the FDA.

Overcoming Chantix Side Effects

Because the Chantix side effects can be severely debilitating among a victim who now suffers from suicidal behavior and an altered personality/mood, it is extremely critical that a Chantix victim contact a medical professional to seek appropriate treatments, if necessary, as well as to find an alternative smoking cessation drug.

Additionally, consulting with an experienced pharmaceutical law firm that can provide a plethora of knowledgeable and experienced Chantix lawyers and attorneys to choose from is a wide method of protecting oneself from continued harm.

A pharmaceutical attorney will likely offer a free legal consultation to individuals in need of better understanding the details behind a Chantix class action lawsuit. Such a lawsuit may yield a return of monetary compensation for the damages and harm caused from the drug.

Eyelash Growth Rates

Eyelash Growth Rates

Image source: https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1izl3QFXXXXc6XFXXq6xXFXXX0/Organic-eyelash-eyebrow-growth-serum-hair-growth.jpg

Eyelash Growth Rates

Eyelashes generally take a very long time to grow, often a number of months. Eyelash growth realistically necessitates a lot of patience as it is hardly noticeable. The amount of time that eyelashes take to grow on top of that is dependent on what triggered the initial loss of the eyelashes, like your diet and lifestyle, your genes, your age, or your hormonal state. Eyelash growth is classified into three stages:

Anagen Stage: This cycle can additionally be referred to as the active growth phase. This is because at this stage over 30% of the eyelashes are actively growing. This cycle can last up to 7 weeks.

Catagen Phase: This phase can also be known as the lag phase due to the fact that the growth stops and the follicle will shrink. This cycle can last close to 3 weeks.

Telogen Stage: This is the last stage before the eyelashes start to fall out. Every eyelash is in its own stage so there are many eyelashes in every phase at all times. Hence there will be no period of time when all the eyelashes will fall off at the same time.

Having described the growth stage let us now consider the factors that affect the time period that eyelash growth takes. Individuals that normally lack well-balanced diets or people who consume unhealthy food tend to have slower growing eyelashes. This is due to the fact that they lack the essential nutrients that are necessary for good hair growth. On the other hand individuals who feed on healthy foods tend to grow eyelashes faster.

People who don't consume a lot of alcohol grow eyelashes faster than people who are heavy drinkers and smokers. Generally speaking individuals who live a healthier lifestyle will grow eyelashes more quickly than individuals who don't.Depending on what caused the loss, eyelash growth could take a short amount of time or it can take a very long amount of time.

If you lost your hair due to a burn, it might take forever in order to grow back. Conversely it may not ever grow back. If the burns were inconsequential, then the eyelashes could grow back after a handful weeks.

Age also determines just how long it will demand to grow the eyelashes. The older you get the more significant the hair loss. Additionally the longer it can take to grow - if at all. For that reason older people take longer to grow body hairs. On the other hand the younger person takes a shorter amount of time to grow eyelashes and other types of body hairs.

Genetic characteristics also affects the rate of hair growth. People who come from families whose members are known to have thick hair tend to re-grow eyelashes faster.

The last element is hormonal state. If your body doesn't have the obligatory hormones to provoke eyelash growth, then it will take quite a long time to grow.

Finally, the maximum period of time that eyelashes should take to re-grow is about 12 weeks. If it surpasses that, it is very unlikely that it will grow at all. Because of the short time frame, it is ideal to maximize the growth. Many people have successfully used good eyelash conditioner to increase eyelash growth.

Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Excerpt Growing Up Too Fast The Rimm Report on the Secret World of America's Middle Schoolers

Excerpt Growing Up

Image source: http://www.activistangler.com/storage/FishFrogsFinalCover.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1414428849634

Excerpt Growing Up Too Fast The Rimm Report on the Secret World of America's Middle Schoolers

Magazine Messages

There are dozens of teen magazines, but almost all of them are directed toward girls. And although these magazines are theoretically targeted to teens, there's no doubt that they encourage and attract tween readers as well. Four best-selling teen magazines that target girls are Seventeen, Cosmo Girl! J-14, and Teen People. Headlines from these magazines emphasize fashion, clothes, sex, makeup, celebrities, being hot, and finding boyfriends. Most of the photographs are of stars in sexy poses, and the advertisements show models in flirtatious and suggestive stances. Paradoxically, intermixed with the seductive models and celebrities are photographs of tweens and teens who look wholesome, attractive, and normal, permitting readers to see kids like themselves in juxtaposition to celebrities and models.

What's different in girls' magazines now is the premature emphasis on using sex to attract boys. When your daughter brings home teen magazines -- and she will -- there will be a lot to discuss with her. Although these magazines contain quizzes, craft projects, activities, stories, and even some good advice, most teen magazines perpetuate the idea that appearance, sexual allure, and having a boyfriend are what's most important for girls.

By valuing quality articles in magazines and discussing your issues with the rest, you can give your daughter a balanced view of the material she may be reading. Occasionally reading these magazines isn't likely to be detrimental for girls who already have a confident self-image. However, you should review any magazines your kids read and consider their appropriateness before buying subscriptions. Also, discuss their underlying messages with your daughters so they don't get sucked into pervasive and condescending messages. Make it clear that a girl is much more than a pretty face, thin figure, or provocative fashion showpiece. Remind them that their intelligence, creativity, hard work, and personalities will provide the lifelong opportunities they'll want.

Not all girls' magazines focus on sex, fashion, and boys. American Girl, aimed at 9- to 12-year-olds, conveys lots of positive values and messages, and it offers ideas for crafts, hobbies, and developing new interests. New Moon, edited by a panel of young girls, is superb for empowering and encouraging girls to be strong and smart and is free of advertisements. Written by teens, Teen Voices is instructive for more-mature tweens. Girls' Life is written mostly by adults, but it includes some teen writing as well. Although it includes references to fashion and appearance, it doesn't have the pervasive sexual message that many other magazines do. This magazine is also more appropriate for mature tweens.

The effects magazines have on boys aren't as negative as they are for girls, primarily because boys tend to read magazines that focus on their interests. The only popular, general magazine for boys is Boys' Life, which is distributed by the Boy Scouts of America to members of the organization. The magazine includes positive interests, activities, and of course, humor, which seems to keep boys interested. Sports Illustrated, Sports Illustrated for Kids, and other specific sports magazines encourage boys' admiration of athletes -- for better or worse, depending on their heroes of choice. Other interests like music, photography, computers, fitness, video games, science, travel, and cars are targeted by magazines like Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, DRUM!, Popular Photography, and National Geographic. Magazines geared both for boys and for girls, like Junior Scholastic (distributed in schools) and National Geographic Kids, stress education and teach kids about science, math, and social studies.

Headlines from Seventeen magazine in the 1970s

What Your Voice Tells about You
The Gentle Art of Understanding Your Parents
Hurry-Up Hairdos
How to Beat the Gossip Game
Which Is Best-Oldest, Middle, Youngest Child?
Prize Fiction
How Can I Get Him to Notice Me?
Write, Illustrate, Photograph Stories
Poems and Reports from Worldwide Places

Headlines from Teen magazine in 2004

The Sexiest Hairstyles; The Sexiest Jeans
On Girls, Geeks, and Going All the Way
How to Be Happy, Calmer, and Hotter
203 Ways to Look Crazy Good!
438 Ways to Meet Tons of Guys
Turn-On Secrets He'll Never Tell You
Get a Better Body in Two Weeks
476 Ways to Look Sexy for Spring
Hot! Sexy-Guy Postcards Inside

Copyright 2005 Sylvia Rimm

Reprinted from: Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret World of America's Middle Schoolers by Sylvia Rimm, PhD (September 2005; $23.95US/$31.95CAN; 1-57954-709-5) 2005 Sylvia Rimm. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling (800) 848-4735 or visit their website at www.rodalestore.com

Essence Magazine - For the love of Black women

Essence Magazine - For the love of Black women

Image source: http://cdn-img.essence.com/sites/default/files/images/2014/02/11/jul.-1971042-cropped.jpg

Essence Magazine - For the love of Black women

Essence, published by Time Inc., is the pre-eminent lifestyle magazine for African American women. For over 4 decades, the magazine has been delivering cutting edge information on health and relationships, personal finance and careers, arts and entertainment, world news, food, fitness, fashion and beauty as well as the personal challenges and achievements of Black women.

Each month, Essence magazine provides a diverse array of articles that offer an in-depth look at issues of particular importance to African-American women. The magazine gives more than eight million readers all the information they need and want - from their perspective and in their own voice.

Check out the exciting sections of this magazine:
Beauty section offers the latest in hairstyles, hair care, skin care, makeup and fragrances-and provides tips that enhance and simplify the lives of Essence readers.

The Fashion pages celebrate and support the African American woman's undeniable fashion sense. This section carries report on trends in clothing and accessories, offer news about designers and perfect fit and feature makeovers and solutions to style questions.

Culture section covers the latest and hottest in music, movies, television, theater, dance and art.

The Books section is a favorite among the literature-loving readers. The section showcases new works by African American authors and includes the exclusive Booklist - a monthly list of best-selling Black books.

In Work & Wealth section, the magazine presents essential advice and information on personal finance, wealth building and career coaching.

Healthy Living section focuses on the total well-being of Black women and their families. The section offers insights on healthy living, including thoughtful reports on wellness, health news, fitness and weight management, as well as articles on emotional and spiritual health.

Relationships section gets to the heart of those challenges African-American couples face in building more perfect unions. It offers advice from experts and readers on getting beyond the obstacles in order to enjoy healthy, loving relationships.

The magazine also offers information about women in the news, political updates, national and international news briefs and calls to action on issues affecting Black people.

In the latest Hollywood issue of Essence magazine, scholar Monique W. Morris thoughtfully analyzes the practices and injustices inflicted on Black girls in the classroom and more. Don't miss the exclusive interview with Chris Rock, in which he contemplates the diversity controversy, fatherhood after divorce and fame after reaching the peak. He talks about celebrating the success of peers, black women In Hollywood and more. The latest issue also provides 112 spring updates for you and expert tips to save more of your hard-earned money this year.

Essence digital magazine is available on all digital newsstands like Apple, Magzter, Google, Amazon, etc. The digital version of the Essence magazine has incredible discount for its annual subscription on digital newsstands like Magzter. Start reading Essence magazine for transforming and enhancing your life.

Essence First Magazine for African-American Women

Essence First Magazine for African-American Women

Image source: http://epmgaa.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2013/04/09/2itpni1_t580.jpg?8f1b5874916776826eb17d7e67de7278c987ca33

Essence First Magazine for African-American Women

Essence magazine is a lifestyle magazine for African-American women. It is a groundbreaking publication with a turbulent history. Entrepreneurs Edward Lewis, Clarence O. Smith, Cecil Hollingsworth and Jonathan Blount founded the Hollingsworth Group with the purpose of publishing the first general interest magazine aimed at African-American women. Essence magazine was first published in May 1970.

The first issue of the monthly womens magazine appeared in 1970 and featured a cover photo of a female model with her hair styled in an Afro with the tagline "to delight and to celebrate the beauty, pride, strength, and uniqueness of all Black women." For the first three years of Essences publication groundbreaking photographer, film-maker and author Gordon Parks served as the editorial director.

Within four years Hollingsworth, Blount, and Parks left the enterprise, which was renamed Essence Communications. Edward Lewis remained as chairman and publisher and Clarence Smith as president. The departed founders sued in 1977 and after a three-year-long battle that nearly bankrupted the company, the suit ended after an investor bought Hollingsworth out.

Editorially, the fledgling magazine was also a mess. The first year proved to be the worst with a succession of three editors-in-chief coming and going. By the second year in 1971, however, Marcia Ann Gillespie began a nine-year tenure as editor-in-chief and Essence Magazine grabbed hold of its editorial voice, which included covering all womens topics like fashion, beauty, food, health, children and more with a definitive African-American perspective. Its circulation began at approximately 50,000 copies per month and subsequently grew to about 1.1 million.

Essence Magazine also delved into controversial topics such as politics, the criminal justice system, religion and sex, gaining a reputation for not shying away from any topic. The magazine also featured original fiction by African-American writers like Maya Angelou, Amiri Baraka, Nikki Giovanni, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and others. Susan L. Taylor, who joined the magazine in its first year as a freelance beauty editor and later served as fashion editor focused on creating page layouts with a point of using models who had distinctively African features.

By 1975 the magazine began to turn a profit and in 1981, Taylor became editor-in-chief, a role she would hold until 2000 when she moved to publications director. Still, the magazine struggled to acquire advertising throughout the 1980s. Many companies and advertisers balked at the magazines insistence on using African-American models.

In 1993 beauty products company Estee Lauder began advertising in the magazine and in 1994 a subsidiary, Essence Television Productions, Inc. started producing an annual primetime-network special hosted by Taylor called the Essence Awards, to honor the achievements of African-Americans.

In 1995 Essence celebrated its 25th anniversary with a 300-page May issue featuring Oprah Winfrey on the cover. The company ended its anniversary party in New Orleans with a three-day music festival featuring appearances by Bill Cosby, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross and many more. More than 150,000 people attended the event and helped boost the tourist industry of New Orleans. Starting in 1998 the music festival became an annual event. In 2006 the festival temporarily moved to Houston following Hurricane Katrina but by 2008 was again held in New Orleans; Essence magazine has committed to support and rebuild the city of New Orleans.

Jumat, 13 April 2018

EreadersElectronic Book ReaderEbook Readers

EreadersElectronic Book ReaderEbook Readers

Image source: http://media.gadgetsin.com/2013/08/kobo_aura_ereader_announced.jpg

EreadersElectronic Book ReaderEbook Readers

Would you consider buying an eBook Reader? You might think about the fact that they are very convenient and that you would have an inventory of books to read that would make a small library embarrassed. At any given moment, you have from up to 1500 books to choose from in the latest releases of Electronic Book Readers available on today's market.

An ebook reader, an ebook device or ereader, is a device used for the reading of ebooks. It could be specifically designed for that purpose, or also intended for other purposes as well. The number one reason for these devices is that they are portable, and also the fact that their screens are readable in bright sunlight, and they have very long battery life.

The Amazon Kindle is fast replacing the printed book because it is wireless, portable and forces us to increase our reading habit. Previously, users could not avoid using the desktop PCs to read e-books. It is not convenient to curl up with a bulky laptop in bed to finish that good e-book. The Amazon Kindle makes it all better.

It is also no larger than a magazine, such as sports illustrated or Time, and is also no heavier and just about the same thickness. It is also just like reading paper pages, but with a lot more clarity.

There are a lot of advantages to ereaders from the Readers point of view and also the view of the Author/Publishers.

1. You can automatically search for text and cross reference it using hyperlinks, this makes the format ideal for works that would benefit from the functions.

2. Less actual space is needed to store an electronic book, and untold numbers of books may be stored on the same device.

3. A reader with several books on it is easier to take care of than several books in print.

4. Because they take no space, ebooks can be offered indefinitely, with no date of going out of print, therefore, authors too can earn royalties indefinitely.

5. You can read ereaders in very little light or even no light by means of a back light.

6. Although a small amount of electricity is needed to read them, producing electronic books does not need paper, ink, and other resources that are needed in print books.

Imagine getting on a long flight and not being able to stop at the newsstand or convenience store to pick up some reading material to use to pass the time. Just pull out your reader and log in to Amazon or one of the other online bookstores or newspapers and download your choice in seconds. Or what if you're hung up in the waiting area for hours or, perish the thought, days.

Ebook readers will be a hot gift this holiday season since a group of new media devices are set to join iPods and other music medium as must-have tech accessories.

As of now, the light, thin devices appeal to book lovers mainly, but most customers look at them as the first step in a made to order gadget that society will use to watch movies and surf the Web, anywhere and everywhere they get the urge to do so, as well as use them to scan books and newspapers.

ISuppli expects worldwide sales of ereaders to be more than 5 million this year up from over 1 million last year. We don't know yet, whether the current crop of readers will evolve into products with more and better features, or tablets swoop in to claim the market for their own.

The ereader is claiming a larger market share day by day. A study by Retrevo, a website specializing in consumer electronics, discovered that ereaders beat out the MP3 player on the holiday wish list this year, with over 20 percent of people who responded to the survey saying they planned to buy one this year.

Engagement Anxiety Relieved A Media Diet

Engagement Anxiety Relieved A Media Diet

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/33/c1/e333c1f929ffd7c6ba7b9d8294b37995.jpg

Engagement Anxiety Relieved A Media Diet

Transitions render us more vulnerable emotionally and psychologically than during other times in our lives. Being in a transition means that we are between stages and identities: no longer single but not quite married; no longer a non-mother but not quite a mother. These in-between zones are typically scary places when the familiar realm is out of reach and were left feeling disoriented and uncertain. Like the caterpillar who sheds its skin multiple times before weaving its chrysalis and transforming into a butterfly, when were in transition we, too, shed multiple metaphoric skins as we let go of ways of being, thought processes, habits, and possibly even friends that are no longer serving our highest potential.

When were in a process of shedding and letting go, the consequent disorientation and vulnerability causes many of us to seek reassurance wherever we can find it. This tendency isnt a problem in and of itself; its natural and healthy to gravitate toward guidance during turbulent times. The problem arises when we find ourselves looking for reassurance in places that only entrench the anxiety further. One of the most common statements my clients say to me in our first session is: I watched a movie last night that really spiked my anxiety. It was a romantic comedy and afterwards I was left wondering if I love my fianc enough to marry him. Variations on this statement are: Every time I flip through a bridal magazine I feel anxious. I dont feel as happy as those brides look and then I wonder, Whats wrong me with? Arent I supposed to feel happy during my engagement? Arent I supposed to be looking forward to my wedding with excitement?

My quick answer? Go on a media diet! Avoid bridal magazines, popular movies (especially romantic comedies), and wedding websites especially those that insist that if you feel any doubt or anxiety it means youre making a mistake. During this vulnerable time, youre highly susceptible to images and messages that reinforce the false mythologies our culture is bred on: that during your engagement youre supposed to be happier than youve ever been in your life, that you should feel gleefully and unilaterally excited about your wedding, and that if youre having doubts theres something wrong with you, your relationship, or your decision to marry. The more you fill your head with the false images, the harder it will be to replace the pernicious messages they contain with the truth.

Replacing the pervasive messages with the truth is not an easy task when it comes to the engagement and wedding. Remember, from the time you were young youve been raised on the belief that the wedding and all that surrounds it is supposed to be an only happy time. Youve been inundated with the belief that if youre not joyously over-the-moon ecstatically happy about getting married than you shouldnt get married. There is nothing in our popular culture that supports the basic human truth not theory, but truth that with any transition or any major decision you will experience a panoply of contradictory emotions.

When you go on a media diet you commit to protecting your inner space by filtering what enters it. By extension, its also essential that you wisely choose who you talk to about your vulnerable thoughts and emotions. When you tell most people even your closest friends and family members that youre having doubts about getting married, the common response is, Well, maybe you shouldnt go through with it. Given that we were all raised in the same culture, this response is understandable: your friends and family are just as indoctrinated as you are regarding the myths surrounding romantic love and weddings.

Very few people understand that you can want to go through with something and still feel uncertain, scared, and doubtful about the decision. We live in a black and white, either/or culture which transmits the message that you either feel happy or sad, excited or anxious. We generally fail to understand that any major decision, while initially eliciting one emotional response, will eventually activate the polar opposite response. In other words, you simply cannot be a thinking person and make an informed decision without spanning the polarities of excitement and dread, certainty and doubt, happiness and sadness, gain and loss, love and fear. So just like you have to avoid most popular media and wedding sources, you also need to be extremely selective about who you talk to about your less-then-blissful feelings.

It takes courage, patience, and commitment to be a conscious bride. The vast majority of engaged women (and men) succumb to the cultural expectation of putting on the face of bliss and excitement, successfully distracting themselves from their uncomfortable and socially unacceptable emotions through planning a perfect wedding (and often turning into bridezilla), then crashing after the wedding with a bad case of post-wedding depression. A very small minority of people generally those who make decisions easily and glide through transitions without much anxiety truly do feel excited about their wedding and enjoy being engaged. But for the rest of you who find yourselves anxious, depressed, confused, and disoriented, you need to orient yourselves away from places that imply that theres something wrong with you for feeling this way and toward places that help you make sense of these feelings and view them as positive and necessary stepping stones toward your transformation into this next stage of your life.

Empower Your Traditional Business With WordPress Web Development Service

Empower Your Traditional Business With WordPress Web Development Service

Image source: http://www.mindapps.in/images/services/77.jpg

Empower Your Traditional Business With WordPress Web Development Service

WordPress is an efficient and easy-to-use web development portal. It offers you the best possible features required for designing a website. Its flexibility and durability make it favourite of all. With WordPress, anyone can design the website as it offers complete step by step tutorials for the beginners in WordPress web development. For a qualitative and advanced website, you must hire an experienced and skilled WordPress developer.

WordPress Every business owner's choice:

In order to establish an online presence, WordPress has become the first choice for every business firm. Development is widely used in developing numerous sites which include:

Blogging sites
Web portals
Forum portal
Web directories
Coupon sites

WordPress has garnered a reputation for being the most popular and most preferred web development platform that renders you with an array of choices that will assist in the website development. Various templates, themes, and fonts etc. come as an added bonus for the website owner.

However, you will need to choose the design of your website, which you might not feel comfortable with. The design is undoubtedly the most crucial factor of any website development project. Irrespective of the fact that you are good at programming, you cannot draw visitors to your website if it does not have a good design.

Today's post will help you know some of the best practices to improve your overall skills as a WordPress developer.

1. Stay Up-to-Date with Recent Design Trends

Well, this is not something new. There isnt any need of using thousands of words to discuss pros and cons of every new design trend. There is a high possibility that you may be familiar with most of these design trends through your usual internet surfing. However, it makes absolute sense to still invest your time in getting familiar with these trends and knowing how you can implement them in your project.

2. Implement Responsive Design in your project

Responsive design has gained a lot of popularity since its inception. It allows your website to adjust according to the different screen size and device. Today where mobile comes first before laptops and desktops, it has become quite important for a website to be highly responsive. Moreover, a responsive website not only draws new visitors to your website but also improves user experience and user interface. Implementing a responsive design is extremely easy these day, thanks to an assortment of amazing tools and techniques.

You cant overlook this crucial designing trend. If you ignore it, you will be giving a lot of potential customers to your competitors.

3. Make your content Easily Accessible

Web users are often very curious to discover and explore a website completely. No web user will stay on your website if they don't find the content valuable and informative. The content you upload to your website should complement your business and its aim. From labelling to contact information, you have to describe everything clearly in order to prevent any confusion.

4. Use White Space

Wordpress developers are usually streamlined, due to the nature of their work. A majority of these developers usually treat sites like an old magazine and pile up tons of information on it, making it complex for the user to comprehend. It is always a bright idea to leave a good amount of white space on the website. Placing things justifiably make your website look professional, unique and user-friendly.

5. Understand the Significance of Fonts

Fonts play an essential role in the designing of a website. Many experienced and professional web designers suggest using some set of fonts to prevent inconsistent looks. Typography is one thing that can either bring a lot of visitors or push away the users. So make sure your websites typography is well-taken care.

I hope the aforementioned suggestions and tips would help you enhance your WordPress development skills and allow you to take them to another level.

Get Six Pack Abs In Time For Summer

Image source: http://cdn-maf3.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/homepage_top_1440x500/public/media/shred-draft-hero....