Image source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/314me77B44L.jpg
You may already know that there are a variety of magazines available for airsoft. The most popular types are real-cap, low-cap, mid-cap, and high-cap airsoft magazines, which one you use depends on you and on what you are playing. In this article you will find out which airsoft mags you should consider and the differences between them.
The primary way to tell the difference between airsoft magazines is to find out how many rounds they carry. A real-cap airsoft m4 magazine carries 30 rounds of BBs because real-caps carry the same amount of rounds as there real-steel counterparts (real-steel means real firearms). Low-caps carry more BBs than a real-cap, but there capacity is still very low. High-caps carry the most amount of BBs. Before the days of mid-caps, there were only high-caps, low-caps and real-caps, but people wanted a mag that filled the gap between high, and low-caps. Then manufacturers developed mid-caps which had less BBs than the high-caps but more BBs than the low-caps; ever since then, mid-caps have become a big hit.
Now comes the big question, what type of airsoft magazine should I use? Which airsoft magazine you use depends on you and on the type of airsoft game you're playing. MilSim and CQC (Close Quarters Combat) are the main variations of airsoft games. Because of the realism MilSim players want, MilSim (Military Simulation) is most often played in the woods. CQC is usually played in buildings with a lot of rooms because CQC players prefer to play in smaller areas. Since the main reason people play MilSim is for the realism it provides, the magazines MilSim players more often use are real, low, and mid-caps because they are closer to the amount of rounds the military would use. Real, low, and mid-caps also provide some advantages; they, unlike high-caps, do not rattle, this is very important in MilSim because you need to be as stealthy as possible. A large argument that MilSim players use is that if you use low-caps you will be forced to conserve your BBs and this will inturn save you money and it will also add to the realism. CQC players usually use high-caps because they need as many rounds as possible and there guns are almost always on full auto. You will not have to reload as often in CQC if you use high-caps because they have such a high capacity. High-caps are very useful in a game, but they often destroy the realism involved in airsoft.
Whether you use high-caps or mid-caps is up to you. Low-caps and mid-caps should be used if you want to simulate the military as much as possible, fields and teams sometimes require that you use them. If you want to spray as many rounds as possible and hate having to reload, than high-caps are a good choice for you. If you want to do a little of both, than you might want to look into mid-caps.
So now you know the difference between real-caps, low-caps, mid-caps, and high-caps, and what they each are used for. You know have to make the choice of which ones to use, whether that be the stealthy low-caps or the trigger happy high-caps.