Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/athletesfoot-141104000546-conversion-gate01/95/getting-rid-of-the-terrible-itch-of-athletes-foot-with-homeopathy-6-638.jpg?cb=1428297250
Fungi love to take residence in nooks and crannies that are cramped, damp and stuffy, like the areas between your toes. Once these microorganisms have taken territory over a patch of skin on your foot, they would really try their best to stay and take root. Sometimes, when you think that you ...Fungi love to take residence in nooks and crannies that are cramped, damp and stuffy, like the areas between your toes. Once these microorganisms have taken territory over a patch of skin on your foot, they would really try their best to stay and take root. Sometimes, when you think that you have eliminated these skin squatters, they would end up showing in a different place, such as your toenail.
People with athlete's foot will tell you that treating this condition can be very tricky. Just using a topical cream for a couple of days will not be enough to get rid of the nasty fungal infection because fungus can penetrate deep beneath the skin, which topical treatments cannot entirely reach. However, the roots are also not deep enough for oral anti-fungal drugs to work fast. So if you are being plagued by on-and-off athlete's foot problem, just read on and discover how you can get rid of your smelly problem for good.
Be The Queen (or King) of Clean
The first thing you need to do in order to beat your fungi problem is to follow proper hygiene always. If you are prone to athlete's foot, be sure to dry your feet first before wearing your shoes. It is also advisable to refrain from using the same pair of shoes for two consecutive days. Give your shoes some time to breathe.
A Little Yogurt Won't Hurt
Aside from the stench, other annoying symptoms of athlete's foot are redness, flaking and itchiness. To help ease the symptoms, you can put plain yogurt on the affected area as often as you want. A small amount of yogurt will surely soothe itchiness and redness.
Beat Fungus With Astragalus
For centuries now, people have been using astragalus to provide relief for their fungus woes. Just use this fungi-killer herb three times a day for 1 to 2 months to get the most out of the strength of astragalus. However, before using any herbs or alternative therapies, you need to seek advice from a doctor or a naturopathic.
Do Magic With Garlic
Garlic is one extraordinary bulb because it does not only have properties that fight bacteria and virus, but it is also helpful in your battle against fungi. You can dab a couple of drops of garlic oil on the problematic areas on your feet 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Just make sure that you put on some socks after rubbing oil on your feet so that you will not soil your bed sheets.
You can be sure that this oil will penetrate the deepest roots of the fungi even if it is only topically applied. However, you should make sure that you continue the treatment for two weeks to one month, even when you think the fungal infection has already cleared away.
It is also a wise idea to eat raw garlic to help speed up the healing process. You can be assured that garlic component allicin, which is responsible for eliminating fungi, is unadulterated in the raw form of this herb. About four cloves a day in four to six months is effective in totally eliminating the roots of your foot problem.
Bar The Sugar
If you want to encourage the proliferation of fungus on your skin, then go ahead and eat plenty of sugary foods. However, if you are getting tired of having foul-smelling feet, then you should go easy on your sugar intake, particularly the refined kind.
Individuals suffering from athlete's foot usually have other fungal skin problems. The most common fungi woe that people with tinea pedis, which the scientific name of athlete's foot, could also suffer from is toenail fungus. This triggers the yellowing and crumbling of nails. There are many anti-fungal creams for nail fungus. However, one product that is truly effective in beating nail fungal infections is Somasin. Know more about it by visiting http://tinyurl.com/8jkw6ma