Image source: https://www.indexoncensorship.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/volume-45-04-winter-2016-700x933.jpg
There is just as much variety in magazines and periodicals as there is creativity to come up on with ideas for publications. Magazines and periodicals covers interests ranging from political, business, trade, auto, electronics, computer, fashion, sports, travel, adult and many more. Some magazines and periodicals are more daring than others. Even with sluggish economy, magazines and periodicals are still selling either in print form or on the Internet. Consumers worldwide are never short of choice of magazines and periodicals.
However, having said that, freedom of speech is not without censorship. There are magazines, periodicals, books and other publications that are on banned. Throughout history and in several countries, books, magazines and periodicals have either been banned or have had to go underground. We expect to see censorship in dictatorships and harsh political regimes, but in the West we are most often under the illusion that free speech is exactly there. This is not the case for magazines and periodicals, except that the West are always questioning where do their fundamental rights to free speech end. They would make public their views to question where do the government and other ruling authorities have the right to intervene and take their rights away.
Censorship In The West
In United States serious hardcore magazines and periodicals have been banned from public viewing. For example, Steve Blushs "The American Hardcore A Tribal History" has been banned in Colorado state prisons. Texas State Prison system has also banned several books, magazines and periodicals. Canada has banned several magazines and periodicals in rent decades.
The counterculture in North America had its heyday in the 1960s and 70s with several underground publications. The Realist for example, spoke out on political issues of the day. However, they ran into financial difficulty and ceased publication in the 1970s. The UK had several publications also mostly defunct today.
Making Their Voices Heard
The aim of censorship is to limit public access especially in schools and libraries. Some of these bans were successful and the magazines and periodicals were taken off the market but some still remained. Some publications that offer a different voice have been forced to go underground. Often times these publications are anti government or anti establishment and are illegal. Yet there is still a segment of the population that is willing and ready to read them. Two Underground publications from Canada are: The Underground Press, from Snow Lake, Manitoba and The Georgia Straight from Vancouver, British Columbia. The Village Voice, an alternative weekly magazine, is arts oriented and speaks out on certain issues as well. This magazine is still publishing.
American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expansion publishes magazine and highlights expositions and events on banned books in the West at their website. Random House Inc also produces a free educational magazine with theme on Censorship and banned books. Censorship is always a fundamental issue at the heart of democratic freethinking societies.
For More Information On Magazines And Periodicals
There are internet sites and publications out there giving great information about magazines and periodicals and how they can influence your life. There are also free eBooks explaining how magazines And periodicals can be of benefit to our everyday lives. These sources offer good advise on magazines and periodicals that are worth your time to read and keep for a long time. some sites even provide comprehensive directory listings on magazines and periodicals with extensive explanation on the different categorization of magazines and periodicals. Spending some good efforts on these areas can definitely go a long way to help us become better informed readers.